Beachnative :
Not compromising a BS talking point, really? That about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
If you have not learned that you can't please all of the people all of the time then you have so much to learn about politics and life....And using words such as "Complicit mainstream media" means you are speaking as gullible Fox New watcher who believes everything on that comes out of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh's mouth.
The real issue is Obummer has faced a brick wall from spineless conservatives that fear a man with a microphone. Remember Michael Steele? Rush could tell other conservatives to give him a BJ and the cons would be sliding in on their knees beating each other out of the way to hum a few bars for Rush.
The whole right deserves what they get, Tea Party included. Nothing short of obstructionists that would rather see a country fail than watch a Black man in a white house succeed. Pretty lousy in my book....Again they deserve what they work towards- no compromise = no progress.
The pendulum has swung too far to the left for me but if the only option is the Tea Party, I will not vote for the R candidate unless they choose to compromise.
Of course you can't please everybody, but aside from stating the obvious, you misunderstood my meaning. At this point in time in American politics, the word "compromise" has become a talking point of the Obama Administration and repeated by the mainstream media to point blame for why progressives can't further the their agenda of fundamentally transforming America. The true issue isn't that republicans or democrats are not willing to compromise, the true root of this stagnant government is a President ruled by ideology and a complete lack of leadership by both Harry Reid and John Boehner combined with the fact that the political elites only care about holding onto their power and no longer have the interest of the electorate at the heart of their agendas.
If you do not believe that the mainstream media is complicit with the party in power, then you are (quite literally) just not paying attention. For example, in 1995 when Newt Gingrich was the Speaker, on MSNBC both Chris Matthews an Joe Scarborough were the biggest republican supporters and could not say enough about how great having Republican controlled Congress was. Today, both Scarborough and Matthews are puppets for the progressive political agenda an take every chance they can get to blast anything conservative. This is fact.
I don't expect the above example to sway your opinion, but how about some independent research and do a Google search on "media bias", you will get over 32 millions hits. I recommend visiting
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting. I especially recommend the article
How To Detect Bias In News Media as a primer to open your eyes and realize just how complicit media is.
Now, the fact that you resort to calling me a "gullible Fox News watcher" only shows your own bias. You have no idea who I am or what media I consume. Given the fact that I made no allusions to supporting Fox News, your presumptions just display a level of ignorance that makes it difficult to have a reasonable tete-a-tete within these forums.
I agree the Republican party does deserve what they get, but OMG! Un--believable!
The whole right deserves what they get, Tea Party included. Nothing short of obstructionists that would rather see a country fail than watch a Black man in a white house succeed. Pretty lousy in my book....Again they deserve what they work towards- no compromise = no progress.
It's sad that you chose to race bait and regurgitate such ignorant rhetoric. Your hypocrisy is astounding! It's ignorance like this that make America unable to realize the vision of great black Americans like Martin Luther King Jr, Frederick Douglass, and Thomas Sowell. Good job being a tolerant person and valuing diversity! Good job...
The pendulum has swung too far left for a lot of people. If the tea party is not your thing, that fine and dandy. It's your right to vote however you want. But for the love of this republic and the Constitution, at least vote for someone who does not want to grow the size, scope, and influence of the federal government and values liberty!