Is Chris Christie Guilty

As someone who lives in New Jersey, let me tell you firsthand, the whole bridge thing is a big steaming pile of democrat propaganda to run down a political opponent. Welcome to New Jersey politics! Living here all my life, I can tell you it is the political par for the course, the only difference is the Democrats managed to turn it into a national news item.

The New Jersey democrat party has been, quite literally, absolutely desperate to get anything they can get their hands on to make Christie look bad. The only people who care anything about the whole load of crap are political opponents hell bent on taking Christie out of the national spotlight.

I'll tell you right now, I think Christie has been a great Governor but he would be a shit President. He's a pseudo-republican in the 3rd most blue State in the Union! So anyone who thinks he stands a chance of beating out that turd Jeb Bush for the nomination better start looking for another candidate to feign over.

In the end, nothing will happen to Christie. IMO he's a saint compared to the lying pile of shit we have in the White House now. So, if Obama can get away with what he has, then "bridgegate" is a fart in the wind by comparison!

The funny thing is history will repeat itself once again and the prediction is that Hillary or whoever the is on the democratic ticket will win by a landslide. Why?
The Tea Party has hijacked the GOP fractured it into two distinct parties, ones that compromise and those that don't.
The ones that don't are the hardline conservatives AKA Tea Partiers. The ones that do are viewed as weak and not judged by the simple fact that they know the value of compromise. The ones that do compromise are well versed in political issues the others are mere puppets for conservative, dig your heels in blowhards like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.
In the end, America will learn that you can't always get what you want, but you get what you need and pleasing everyone 100% of the time is impossible.
This same scenario played out in 1964 with Barry Goldwater and after he got the GOP nod changed his tune to the dig your heels in, no compromise, my way or the highway attitude. American voters turned out and said hell no. Johnson won an overwhelming 486 electoral votes, to Goldwater's 52.

Go ahead Tea Party keep it up, history will repeat itself once again.
Simply put Oleman, it doesn't matter about the media and the bull$hit stories pumped up your rear.

Compromise is king, it always has and always will be.

If the conservative were not so gung ho about calling Mitt a flip flopper he would have been our president but the silly Tea Party made sure that wouldn't happen. Heck look at Sarah Palin, can anyone take that quitter seriously? LOL LOL LOL
The Tea Party are really shit disturbers and cares nothing about the middle class or the poor at all.Look at what they are made of.


The notion of republicans and/or Tea Party members not willing to compromise is just another BS talking point. Given a complicit mainstream media and a Democrat controlled Senate and Executive, they have been made targets and demonized with such fervor that Alynsky is smiling in his grave.

Tea Party members were voted in by their constituents to do the will of their constituents. They are doing exactly that! Imagine that, an elected representative doing the will of their constituents in this day an age?! How dare they! I can only wish my elected officials would actually ask their constituents for input let alone actually follow up and do it! Instead of the tea party being applauded and congratulated for doing what they should, they are demagogued, demonized, called some of the most vile, hateful names, and lambasted by an ignorant electorate.

Truly, why any American, democrat or republican, is against republicanism and limiting the size and influence of the federal government absolutely baffles me. The only answer I can think of is that progressive ideology has so completely permeated the culture and mindset of the people that the very notion of liberty, government at the local level, and a limited federal government has actually become a radical idea.

Compromise?! For the first 5 years of the Obama Administration, Harry Reid FAILED to bring a budget to a vote, but the Republican controlled House passed a budget every year. Where were the Democrats when it came to compromise?! When it came to passing the ACA during an emergency midnight session of the Senate, where were the Democrats when it came time to compromise?! When it came to the government shut down and all the Democrat demagoguery and fake hysteria about how America will fail to pay its bills, where were the Democrats when it came time to compromise?!

Shall I go on?

I agree the GOP has become fractured, but they also DESERVED to be fractured as they have become nothing but the right wing of the democrat party.

It's time for all Americans to stop playing the Republican against Democrat game. Under their legislation over the past 100 years, the primary function of the federal government is no longer the preservation of the citizen's liberty, the Constitution is no longer the rule of law, and we are closer to becoming a socialist democracy. In reality the Tea Party is a start to restoring the federal government to its intent and purpose, but as I said, the notion of republicanism in the current electorate mindset and political climate has become a radical idea.

Both republicans and Democrats in Congress no longer have the greater good of the American people at the heart of their agenda. There is nothing to compromise! At this point in time in our government, the only thing both republicans and democrats have in their hearts is retaining their power and growing the size, scope, and reach of the federal government. They only care about themselves and no longer care about the foundations, fundamentals, and reasons why this country was founded or their purpose and why the people elected them to begin with.

Lastly, if Hillary gets into office, God help us! Any remaining vestiges of local government, liberty, and republicanism will be totally and the average American citizen will become nothing more than a functionary of the State. Sure, she'll play the populist and say the right things, but in the end, she is part of the same political class bent on retaining power and growing the federal government that has put us where we are today.

A good and worthy read...The Slow Death of American Democracy
Not compromising a BS talking point, really? That about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

If you have not learned that you can't please all of the people all of the time then you have so much to learn about politics and life....And using words such as "Complicit mainstream media" means you are speaking as gullible Fox New watcher who believes everything on that comes out of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh's mouth.
The real issue is Obummer has faced a brick wall from spineless conservatives that fear a man with a microphone. Remember Michael Steele? Rush could tell other conservatives to give him a BJ and the cons would be sliding in on their knees beating each other out of the way to hum a few bars for Rush.

The whole right deserves what they get, Tea Party included. Nothing short of obstructionists that would rather see a country fail than watch a Black man in a white house succeed. Pretty lousy in my book....Again they deserve what they work towards- no compromise = no progress.

The pendulum has swung too far to the left for me but if the only option is the Tea Party, I will not vote for the R candidate unless they choose to compromise.


Props to ya Marv. I like the way you roll!!!
I tell the truth .Iam a realist.


Oldman I have seen you lash out at liberal celebrities and talk show personalities for much less. Dont dismiss Beachnative so casually when if this were the opposite end of the spectrum like say Bill Maher we would see a handful of threads and a circlejerk bigger than the republican national convention.


Of course you can't please everybody, but aside from stating the obvious, you misunderstood my meaning. At this point in time in American politics, the word "compromise" has become a talking point of the Obama Administration and repeated by the mainstream media to point blame for why progressives can't further the their agenda of fundamentally transforming America. The true issue isn't that republicans or democrats are not willing to compromise, the true root of this stagnant government is a President ruled by ideology and a complete lack of leadership by both Harry Reid and John Boehner combined with the fact that the political elites only care about holding onto their power and no longer have the interest of the electorate at the heart of their agendas.

If you do not believe that the mainstream media is complicit with the party in power, then you are (quite literally) just not paying attention. For example, in 1995 when Newt Gingrich was the Speaker, on MSNBC both Chris Matthews an Joe Scarborough were the biggest republican supporters and could not say enough about how great having Republican controlled Congress was. Today, both Scarborough and Matthews are puppets for the progressive political agenda an take every chance they can get to blast anything conservative. This is fact.

I don't expect the above example to sway your opinion, but how about some independent research and do a Google search on "media bias", you will get over 32 millions hits. I recommend visiting Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting. I especially recommend the article How To Detect Bias In News Media as a primer to open your eyes and realize just how complicit media is.

Now, the fact that you resort to calling me a "gullible Fox News watcher" only shows your own bias. You have no idea who I am or what media I consume. Given the fact that I made no allusions to supporting Fox News, your presumptions just display a level of ignorance that makes it difficult to have a reasonable tete-a-tete within these forums.

I agree the Republican party does deserve what they get, but OMG! Un--believable!
The whole right deserves what they get, Tea Party included. Nothing short of obstructionists that would rather see a country fail than watch a Black man in a white house succeed. Pretty lousy in my book....Again they deserve what they work towards- no compromise = no progress.
It's sad that you chose to race bait and regurgitate such ignorant rhetoric. Your hypocrisy is astounding! It's ignorance like this that make America unable to realize the vision of great black Americans like Martin Luther King Jr, Frederick Douglass, and Thomas Sowell. Good job being a tolerant person and valuing diversity! Good job...

The pendulum has swung too far left for a lot of people. If the tea party is not your thing, that fine and dandy. It's your right to vote however you want. But for the love of this republic and the Constitution, at least vote for someone who does not want to grow the size, scope, and influence of the federal government and values liberty!

Race Baiting? No just stating facts, if you cannot deal with them then the issue comes from the person in the mirror. If it's not an issue then why are racisl comments always made by Tea Party members? ANd not called out b the leaders (if there is even one, Cruz?)

The Tea Party should be called the Bitch and Complain group. They have no real power only to fracture the GOP and stagnate progress for the US of A. When I see their leaders point out that Muslims need to be accountable for all extremist/ terrorist activities then the two way street should apply mainly looking in the mirror at their own party members FIRST. Blatant racist and ignorant garbage flows from many a supporter. They remind me of the kind of jerk that comes to your house and knocks everything over then complains your house is dirty.
Want respect from me? Start by holding members accountable for responsible dialogue then I'll listen. Till lthen, I have no respect for them.

I cracks me up that you stand by you're position that the Tea Party is state that it is fact.

I suppose you mean facts like this, from Black American blogger, Kevin Jackson; Surprise: Study shows Tea Party NOT Racist

Or maybe the fact as presented by this article from Real Clear Politics...Tea Partiers Racist? Not So Fast

Of particular interest is the study done by Emily Ekins, Graduate Student at UCLA...Few signs at tea party rally expressed racially charged anti-Obama themes

At best what can be concluded from these independent studies is that the Tea Party has "anti-black" attitudes; which could be twisted to be that the Tea Party, as an organization, is a racist movement. However, do not confuse "anti-black" attitudes as demonstrated actions of racism; of which there have been no demonstrated instances of racism by Tea Party members. Also, if you choose to defend the position that the Tea Party is racist, do so without hypocrisy and after considering the thousands of Black Americans who are Republicans, Conservatives, and/or actually Tea Party members and how they are lambasted by liberals and progressives as cited numerous times here...‘Truth!’ Dem treatment of black conservatives summed up in a pic; Racist libs prove it

Yeah if the queen had balls she'd be the king too.

Your blatant disregard for the single issue I specified is flat out silly.

Not all of the Tea Party is racist I get it. But it is the one "group" of witches, hypocrites and liars that seem to spend more time attacking others than resolving issues. Their mantra of "always attack" has been tried before and failed miserably. The church of Scientology practiced it, now they are backing down from using it but not Fox news and Sean Hannity and his ilk.
Gotta roll because I actually work for a living.