Question Is CHUWI a good brand ?

If you have to ask, you know the answer.

Generic junk that I'd be surprised if it even had a legitimate Windows license.

Also the only "coding" you'd be doing with an Intel N100 will be imaginary/daydreaming of what I would have been like if you got a proper laptop.
Especially medical related.

Remember, Newegg is a has been company. The majority of sales, including the one you're looking at are not shipped and sold by Newegg but a 3rd party so also. Good luck if you have an issue.

Look at reputable, known brands.
and was wondering if anyone had used this brand, and more specifically, this exact model.
Isn't newegg customer feedback good enough?

Also found;
reddit feedback:
official specs:
specs on NotebookCheck:

Video preview:


All-in-all, no-name brand of laptops. Your call if you want to risk it. I, personally, would not buy it, since customer support may or may not be there. I'd get known brand laptop since at least, with known brands, you can easily find info about brand reputation and their devices longevity.

One more thing: if you pay peanuts - you will get monkeys.

Known brand budget options are all more expensive than that Chuwi. So, this tells something.
Further reading: