Is CPU Water Cooling Worth it?

which processor , in which case , for what usage?

generally the answer is no
Processors run cooler and use less power than they used to . Extreme cooling solutions were important 3 years ago . Today not so much .

But then again Im considering getting a Raystorm system because I have never used water cooling before and it looks interesting
I would agree with the above as well. Most closed loop kits are just alternatives to good air cooling solutions. I personally don't mess with them because good ones can be a bit more expensive than a nice air cooler and usually do not offer any better cooling performance. Once you start getting into an entire liquid cooling system that you put together, the performance it much greater, however the cost goes WAY up too. It's a preference. Most closed loop kits are pretty much maintenance free, though I've seen the pumps go out on old ones that have been running for years and years.

My suggestion would be get a good solid air cooler to meet your needs. If you are doing moderate overclocking a decent air cooler will do the job. For example the COOLER MASTER Hyper 212 EVO is a great cooler that MANY people have been using. They work great and are not expensive at all. If you are trying to squeeze every bit of OC out of your CPU, a much better cooler might be in order.


Aug 6, 2006

Thanks everyone! Thanks can i not go against Mike Rowe's pic :) What is the difference between the Evo and the 212+ (the one I have)?

Wait which cooler do you have already? I did not see one listed above.

Are you saying you ALREADY have this one?

I don't think there is much between that one and this one.

I think it just has a better fan. However, you can always replace that if it craps out. I use these fans, well the red LED ones. and they are pretty quiet, more a good bit or air, and haven't crapped out like many other fans I've used.


Aug 6, 2006

Yes, I have the CM Hyper 212+ If I see it correctly, if CM did it on purpose, it looks like the EVO has the fins/fan set higher.


Aug 6, 2006

Welllllll, I might try with the 3770k. I'm going to move to the MSI mPower z77 board and thinking of a small OC.