Is everything in this computer compatible?


Nov 14, 2015

Intel Core i5-4590 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor

MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition ATX LGA1150 Motherboard

Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory

Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 970 4GB Video Card

Thermaltake Versa H25 ATX Mid Tower Case

Power Supply
EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply
Operating System

Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM (64-bit)

Wireless Network Adapter

Edimax EW-7811Un 802.11b/g/n USB 2.0 Wi-Fi Adapter

Case Fan

ARCTIC Arctic F8 Pro 33.0 CFM 80mm Fan

ARCTIC Arctic F8 Pro 33.0 CFM 80mm Fan
Total: £716.04

By the way later on i'm going to be adding another gtx 970
1) Make sure that your PSU is the G2, not G1,GQ,or NEX. Those other three are garbage and will likely cause coil whine (and that's annoying as hell). Those other ones will not be able to handle a second 970 properly either
2) Don't use a single memory stick, ALWAYS use pairs. (2x4 is MUCH faster than 1x8)
3) I highly doubt that OS is legitimate, make sure the seller is an authorized reseller of microsoft products
4) Stay away from USB based wifi adapters, they are less stable, slower, and higher ping. You can find some cheap PCIe adapters for ~20
I would change the EVGA 750 GQ to an EVGA 550 G2 or 650 GQ instead. The 750 GQ in particular has high ripple on the 5V rail and out-of-spec on the 3.3V rail.,4396-8.html

The SLI Krait motherboard has shown to be a poor performer compared to some others in reviews. I recommend changing it to something else. Just buy an H97 motherboard - no need for Z97 with that CPU. Buy 2 sticks of RAM for dual-channel and better bandwidth. And your case only supports 120mm fans, and the fan that come with it should be fine. I think I'd buy a single 120mm for intake since it comes with an exhaust.

The NEX span both the NEX G1 and NEX B1. The B1 are very bad. The G1, however, are decent performers and actually have 100% Japanese capacitors. The GQ is also a very good series, save the 750W version with some high ripple that we don't like to see in high-end units. GQ 850W and 1000W are spectacular performers, far from garbage. The 650W is also very good.

The one he chose is the 750 GQ since it is semi-modular.

will a 650w power supply be enough for a sli gtx 970 and what motherboard would you recommend that will allow sli
+1 for the 2x4GB memory kit, legitimate OS and if you need to go wifi, definitely pay a little more money on something better there. No way you can get a cable to your router? That's always the better solution. But if you have to go wifi, definitely get something better.

One point to add... no SSD? I personally wouldn't consider a build at half that price without an SSD in it.

At 250GB capacity, 57 quid nets you a very capable BX100:
Or a bit under 10 pound more for the super-popular (for good reason) 850 Evo:

Won't help your gaming much of course, but night and day in terms of the general responsiveness of the computer.
yes, in regards to the RAM: find a 2x 4GB dual-channel set.
and I am using that Z97 Krait board right now and it handles DDR3 2400 ram fine. you may want to get something faster than 1600 since prices are pretty equal across the board nowadays.

also that case uses 120mm fans. you have 80mm posted here.

You are spending $200 on a cpu, $300 on the GPU, $150 for mobo, you can afford the EVGA 750 G2 (available in uk).

Look at the two options I gave you - both UK suppliers.

i am going to go for the second one you suggested rhysiam
the MSI Krait series are fine and run SLI & /Crossfire with no problem I've experienced. but if you are going for a cheaper H97 chipset you may need to do some research. I believe they only offer a single 16x PCIe slot and do not offer any overclocking options.

Are there any that are non modular?


Because £730 is all i have at the moment because i don't get paid for another 2 weeks so i will have to wait another 2 weeks

Then wait or cut the budget on your other components. The PSU is the most underappreciated component, and quire frankly the most important in modern systems. is this the one you were suggesting?

Okay cool thanks and btw the os is on ebay and they have good feedback so i think they are trustworthy

Okay cool thanks and btw the os is on ebay and they have good feedback so i think they are trustworthy

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