is everything on this pc compatable, and how is it for the price

the only thing is though organic told me he will probably spend alot on a few parts next year such as a gpu and power supply if needed by then, and take the parts hes going to upgrade off of his new pc and put them in a seperate motherboard and case so he will have two decent pcs. dont want the cpu bottlenecking the gpu
ive seen 7950's for the same price as the 7870ghz... also the cpu far outclasses that 7870ghz. you could run a 280x and an fx6300 and get far better gaming experience out of that than the intel. ssd performance is a must for any modern computer, every expert will say that so its in arguable. the rosewill case you have is far overpriced, only reason to get a fancy case is for watercooling options which even $30 cases offer.

well whats a lower priced intel processor that you would recommend.
there are no lower priced intel processors worth buying for gaming. the fx6300 is far better in modern gaming than any intel cpu besides an i5. mostly the 7870ghz is what is holding back your gaming and if you bargain shop a few of the overpriced items on that list you can get yourself a higher tier graphics card which will greatly help your gaming experience. the gtx760 has come on some deals at around $230 and will be much stronger than a 7870ghz. if your trying to nail a certain budget and not go over… your better off skipping the 4670k and getting a stronger gpu. but if you can afford it i would pair a 4670k and a 280x or gtx770, even an amd fx8320/8350 would pair with those two gpu's very well.

760s got down to 230? thats somewhat surprising. hes changed his build