ohiou_grad_2006 :
That may be true, but you can have that little i3. I'll gladly take my 1700x(what's currently in my system). So you may play a few games faster, at a rate that maybe I can't percieve, like if you get 120fps and I get 90fps on some titles. In anything multithreaded or multitasking that i3 is going to get run over like a deer in front of a semi. Plus I think games are starting to get programmed for more multithreaded performance. Plus the 1700x/2700x can overclock too.
I was responding to someone who said
"Below is a review of the 9900k, in gaming it scored 8% faster than the 2700x. The cost of a 9900k + a CPU cooler will be more than double the price of a 2700x and the stock cooler."
Well, using only 4 cores of that 9900k without HTT and at 4Ghz will equal ( -3% ) the 2700x so basically his argument is invalid.
The 9900k costs twice but much less then halve of it already matches the 2700x in gaming.
But to what you said, all the games on that page are new and heavily multithreaded,look at AC: origins that is actually multitreaded to the degree of almost being broken,the i3 still pulls off 82FPS and is only ~7FPS slower then your 1700x ...and never forget 25% o/c headroom...
Here is the source,AC origins uses 90% + of 12 threads so even if all games are going to be using more cores the quad will still be doing very well in comparison.
Assassin's Creed Origins Benchmark youtube link
In far cry 5 the i3 is actually faster then even the 2700x and that's not really a game that anybody would call not multithreaded...
You are hanging on to things you have been hearing and believing for years now but they are just not true...