Is i5 6400 enough for gaming?

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Jan 3, 2015
Hello, I want to know if I5 6400 would be enough for games right now (I want to play 1080p 60fps) + as i'm getting Z170 I would probably be able to overclock it later if needed.
Do you think it's worth?
*I can get 6400 30Euros cheaper than 6500.
and one friend told me it's better to go for next gen because of DDR4 and newer processors.
2.7Ghz is strangely slow for a core i5, however with the 10% IPC boost skylake brings, it won't matter. Yes get the 6400, you won't regret it.

Plus, you will be able to overclock in the future when you need it.
Ok thanks, this is what i'm going to be building

CPU - i5 6400
MOBO - Asrock Z170 PRO4S
RAM - Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x4GB 2400MHz DDR4 CL14
+I will use my old case and HDD for now.
And later will buy GTX 960 or maybe something better depends on the money I have.

Everything should be compatible right?
You won't see any difference at all in games between the 6400 and 6500. Good chip choice though, any of the 6-series quad cores is a good choice for gaming and should remain so in the foreseeable future.

If you don't have money for a 960 when you're looking at video cards a 950 is about 90% as powerful.
The 6400 is plenty good enough for gaming and the Z170 motherboard should allow you to push the BCLK significantly. A modern i5 is capable of driving the best GPUs out there and in many cases two of them, except in circumstances where all CPUs struggle.

To compare similar processor ask 'How many Mhz per Euro?' and buy the one with the most. In the case of the 6400, you need to know that many games use only one or two cores, and that chip has the same Turbo Boost as the 6500, so you will be getting similar performance most of the time.

Good parts and PSU choice.

Everything is compatible.

I just have one suggestion, buy this motherboard instead:

The S model of the Pro4 is a budget version of the pro4, if you have a few extra dollars to spare, I'd get the Pro4 instead.

Ok, thanks.

The S model is 22Euros cheaper for me, is it really worth to get non-S model?

We can't tell if the S is worth it or not, because we are not you.

Almost every time I have made a super budget decision, I have later wished I had spent a little more, but I only find that out later when I want to do something different than I planned.

Almost every time I have made a super-budget decision, I have later wished I had spent a little less, but I only find out later when I realize I paid for features I will never use or which are now obsolete or out-dated.

The Pro4S has lighter VRM heasinks, simpler chokes, and reduced audio capability. Only you know what this means to you. most of the rest is identical. The S also lacks some aesthetic elements I don't care about so have omitted them from the comparison.

Just want to clarify that clock speed isn't everything :)
Also, the one or two cores thing is invalid, many modern games such as MGSV or GTAV use 4 cores. Some people have got GTAV running on dual cores but they're usually hyperthreaded or overclocked etc, or running on minimal.


I said 'many use only one or two' not most or anything else, and it does matter for this CPU with a 2.7Ghz base clock and a 3.3Ghz Turbo Boost. The i5 6400 chip has four cores, but even those games do not stress the third and fourth core as much as the first two, and that's where the TurboBoost pays off the most. I stand by everything I said, perhaps you misunderstood what I meant or I could have expressed myself better.
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