Is it better to buy a laptop with screen resolutions same as the external monitor to avoid issues?

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Jul 16, 2017
Hello, I am considering to buy a Windows laptop. Trying to decide between a FHD and UHD screen option. In the past I read that Windows 10 had some scaling issues in 4K. Have they been fixed? If my external display (TV) is 4K, is it better to get a laptop with 4K screen to avoid issues caused by the machine driving two displays in different resolutions? If I go for 4K laptop, will I have issues in using it with projectors at schools?
Aspect ratio is more important IMO. 16:9 should stick with 16:9 , 16:10 with 16:10, etc... also what do you plan on using the laptop for? So i do a lot of photo and video work, so i couldn't work off a FHD laptop because i wouldnt have enough space on the screen. I need high quality monitors with high resolution so i can make sure my colors are accurate and my project looks good.

It's used more for photo editing, but it's touch screen so I use the "pinch" and out technique when i need to read the text. I benefit from having 3 computers, two for work and 1 home. My work computer has two 1440p 27 inch monitors, and I have a 4k display as well for meetings. So when I'm typing/ proofing, I'm on the workstation with the two 27 inch 1440p monitors. If i was to only have 1 monitor, i would make it a 4k touch monitor and just zoom in and out when it comes to text.

In the case of Yoga 920, it has 13.9" UHD (3840 x 2160). My external display at home is a 49" Sony 4K TV. Plan to use it for CAD, programming, writing and reading of scientific papers using lates, matlab, some office, some 4K video editing, some illustrator and photoshop. Plan to use both Windows and Linux.
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