[SOLVED] Is it ok to plug in the pump for the corsair h100i v2 into the CPU_FAN header?

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Nov 11, 2015

So recently I just got all the parts for my computer and I was watching some tutorials on how to install the h100i v2 and the guy said to not plug it into the cpu_fan header and to get this adapter that can get power directly from your power supply. I really just want to be done with building my computer this week because I will have a ton of stuff next week and I was wondering if it will be ok to just plug it into my fan header like corsair says. My motherboard is a gigabyte b150 g1 gaming if that makes any difference for how efficient it can supply 12v of power.

Thank you

Again ... best method is to R E A D the manufacturers instructions. See panel 5...


• Connect the pump power cable to the CPU_FAN header on your motherboard.

• Connect the fans to the two connectors coming off the pump.

There may have been changes since those were written but the proper method should be on the instructions that came in the box.

A MoBo fan header is capable of about 1 amp (12 watts)... the idea of powering two fans and a pump off the fan headers to my eyes is something that points to an inadequately...
Every product should be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. The H100i has a very weak pump (0.11 gpm) but Corsair's instructions do not say what you say. See panel 4


Connect pump power header to PSU, and 3-pin pump RPM wire to any motherboard 3 or 4-pin header.

Pump Power header => PSU
Pump rpm wire => MoBo CPU Header

I would add that the H100i suffers from many weaknesses:

1. Can not compete w/ the better / cheaper air coolers thermally, but getting close requires that the H100i be 12 times as loud. See 17:10 mark in video
2. Aluminum Radiator's low heat transfer requires use of extreme rpm fans
3. Weak pump does not provide the 1.0 gpm flow rate
4. Copper Block / Aluminum radiator results in mixed metals within the loop violating 2nd rule of water cooling
5. Can not be expanded to include a GFX card in the loop
6. No reservoir

If not too late, I would consider using a Swiftech H220-X or H240-X which has none of the above weaknesses. Also look at 15:00 mark here:


How to add a GFX card

Another thing

It's a corsair h100i v2 is that makes any difference. So the cooler comes with a sata cable to connect to the psu?

So apparently there is not sata connection because the h100i v2 only takes a 4 pin connector for it's power, you you can control the entire cooling setup via corsair link software. See this and control F "SATA" http://techbuyersguru.com/corsair-hydro-h100i-v2-cpu-cooler-review?page=2 So if corsair approves then is is ok tto plug it into the cpu fan header?

Again ... best method is to R E A D the manufacturers instructions. See panel 5...


• Connect the pump power cable to the CPU_FAN header on your motherboard.

• Connect the fans to the two connectors coming off the pump.

There may have been changes since those were written but the proper method should be on the instructions that came in the box.

A MoBo fan header is capable of about 1 amp (12 watts)... the idea of powering two fans and a pump off the fan headers to my eyes is something that points to an inadequately sized pump.


Just to get this right, so it is ok? There wont be any problems with the motherboard regulating power to cpu_fan header? Was it just a problem on the regular h100i where it was taking too much power from the 12v plug? People have said that it literally explodes something on the motherboard when that happens. Sounds like a popping sound.
Again, the Corsair H100i was a unit that I could never recommend becaiuse of the above noted weaknesses. The later version of the V2 which uses just the MoBo Header to power the two fans and the pump, tells me that the pump is too small / under powered to feed an effective cooling system.

The fans themselves draw 0.18 amps, you have two, that's 0.36 amps already on your 1 amp rated header. That leaves just 0.64 amps left for the pump. If we assume we want to ignore inrush current at each pump start up.

0.64 x 12 volts or 7.68 watts.

A typical D5 pump used in a small custom loop will draw up to 2 amps (24 watts). So we are left with two possible outcomes:

a) The pump in the H100i must be less than 1/3 the size of your typical water pump
b) If the pump is sized properly, it will blow the header

I have to assume it's not b) which in and of itself provided one of the reasons why the H100i can not compete with cheaper air coolers.

However, if you want a warranty, you must install it as per the instructions.

Yeah I figured it would not be as good as a custom loop. But only with an i7 6700k I would say that I only really bought it for looks, since the rest of my computer looks so sick. Also this is un related but amps*volts = watts? I thought it was the amount of energy in joules traveling in 1 meter per second. Heh can't wait to go to college and study electrical engineering
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