Question Is it ok to run my GPU fans at full speed without reducing their lifetime ?

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Oct 23, 2022
My specs :-
Gigabyte GTX 1660 (non Ti)
I5 12400f (stock cooler)
Gigabyte b660m gaming ddr 4 mobo

My Question :-
I am mining salad io on my pc so my GPU goes 75 c not more than that but I am worried if my GPU is running at these temperatures 24/7 will it damage it or reduce it lifespan or should I run my GPU fans at full speed to maintain a temperature of 68 c to cool my GPU but will it reduce the lifespan of the fans on my GPU and one more thing my cpu is also mining xmrig at same time with 70 c all time will it affect my cpu too?
What should I do ?
If fans die, they can be replaced quite easily.
If gpu dies, then it's either expensive repair or replacement of entire graphics card.

Does that help to answer your question?
So you mean I can run my GPU fans at full speed without any concern? And to be precise these temperatures are my overclocked GPU temperatures !
you can try undervolting the gpu to run it more effective

Is it even worth to mine with such a rig ?
My core is voltage is already at 0 in Mai afterburner and I don't know how to reduce it more

Secondly, my GPU is mining 1 $ in three days,I know it's slow, I was just giving it a try, to get my discord Nitro for 9.99$
Are you making $1 profit in 3 days or you are making $1 without accounting for the electricity costs.
It is almost impossible to mine any kind of coin on a GPU for more than the cost of the electricity, and this ignore the long term wear on say you fans. Even if you replace a fan for $15 its going to take a long time to recover that.
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Your GPU temps don't concern me. As long you not hitting mid 80s C all the time I wouldn't worry too much. You can try to undervolt it a little. Look for some tutorials online. Use less voltage, less heat, same performance (maybe with your chip, depends). You can do that with MSI Afterburner....
reduce the lifespan
A steady speed is a little easier on the motor than a constantly changing one, even if that speed is 100%.

A mining gpu is not under the same kind of stress as gaming one, for example. The core shouldn't be doing much of anything; mining wears down the memory controller.
One day, you may find that the gpu is no longer stable at it's default memory clock, so you're forced to reduce said clock for stability(memory voltage is not accessible)... but it does not stay that way; it'll continue to degrade past the limit of the memory clock slider.
A mining cpu goes through the same, but memory controller voltage is accessible.

Operating thermals on the core aren't enough to go on. Your operating time, maintenance, and silicon lottery are also part of the puzzle.
You do what you want though.
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Your GPU temps don't concern me. As long you not hitting mid 80s C all the time I wouldn't worry too much. You can try to undervolt it a little. Look for some tutorials online. Use less voltage, less heat, same performance (maybe with your chip, depends). You can do that with MSI Afterburner....
Your GPU temps don't concern me. As long you not hitting mid 80s C all the time I wouldn't worry too much. You can try to undervolt it a little. Look for some tutorials online. Use less voltage, less heat, same performance (maybe with your chip, depends). You can do that with MSI Afterburner....
Are u sure about this because many people say that the chip starts loosing it's lifespan above the 70 degrees mark for a constant use of 24/7.
Have you ever experienced any problems on your GPU and which GPU you have if any ?
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