Is it possible my 4970k is bottlenecking my sli 970's?

Nov 19, 2018
So I bought Destiny 2 and wanted to start playing, but my fps were off. I went to check temps on my gpus and cpu. both gpu's were at 60 degrees and cpu was at 65 degrees, everything was normal. Then I checked my gpu usage% and it's sitting at around 60%. What could be the problem here?
I have tried preformance mode in Nvidia inspector and it did not help any.

CPU: Intel Core 4790k
GPU: GTX 970 SLI x2 Driver version: 388.71 (using DifferentSLIAuto cause of 970's problems)
PS: Corsair RM750x
MOBO: Gigabyte z87x-d3h
RAM: 16gb 1600mhz

UPDATE: I tried putting the fan speeds up abit on my both gpus and usage just got a few procent lower?
That is odd, neither CPU nor GPU's are overheating and FPS isn't going as high as I though it would be. What happens when you download the newest drivers from Nvidia?

I did try checking Nvidia's site to see if Destiny 2 supported SLI and it didn't show up so maybe there's no SLI profile for that game.

^^^This would be the cause for the low GPU usage, only fix is to disable SLI when you play Destiny 2 as it may run better on a single GPU.
I'm playing at 1080x1920p 60Hz
FPS is about 45-60 (depends on whats happening onscreen)
If I use low settings I get about the same fps as Highest settings (5-10 difference)

I feel like the gpus are not working on their full power.
That is odd, neither CPU nor GPU's are overheating and FPS isn't going as high as I though it would be. What happens when you download the newest drivers from Nvidia?

I did try checking Nvidia's site to see if Destiny 2 supported SLI and it didn't show up so maybe there's no SLI profile for that game.

^^^This would be the cause for the low GPU usage, only fix is to disable SLI when you play Destiny 2 as it may run better on a single GPU.
Yea it is odd, I cannot download newest drivers tho because I'm using DifferentSLIAuto. Newest working drivers with DSA is 388.71. But since there is no profile for it anyway it should not improve that much.
I am getting abit better preformance when using SLI in Destiny 2, better than single card.... sli is just weird sometimes.

Kids don't do SLI, is the message I guess. I may just have a faulty SLI bridge. Do both cards have to be the same BIOS version to work btw? could now find any info about this. I ahve a Sapphire card and a gigabyte.
DifferentSLIAuto <<<I don't know too much about it, I know you can SLI some cards that don't initially support SLI but that's about it. When I was using SLI I only used Nvidia's software only as it was difficult enough to get them running smoothly with limited profiles.

You could try replacing the SLI bridge and no the BIOS don't need to be the same. You could even use a different 970 from a different manufacturer for the most part although some like EVGA prefer the same card.

At this point you could try overclocking the CPU & GPU's to get the most out of it, set the graphics for Ultra as that game does look good.
Yea, I will try replacing the bridge but there should be no problems running my 2 cards together, I know that some EVEGA cards are not compatable but I don't have a EVEGA cards so i'ts fine.
Holdding thumbs for the bridge to work. Then I don't have to use old DifferendSLIAuto (Development died a couple of years ago).

Wel thanks for the help anyway.