Is it possible to connect both rgb components to one rgb controller?

Mar 31, 2018
So basically I have some case fans, it’s the ID-Cooling DF-12025 and it has an rgb led controller included so you can change the lights and effects.

I also have the Deepcool RGB 350 (rgb led light strips) and they have an rgb controller included as well.

Is it possible to connect both the case fans’ and led light strips’ rgb headers to one controller? It would be more convenient to control both the case fans and led strips at the same time with one controller instead of using two.

Could this possibly work, considering that they are both from different brands?
Nope they are both different controllers/remotes. You could try a small strip of the LED on the ID-Cooling's splitter which is running off the ID-Cooling controller but results may vary.

I would leave each as is unless you have headroom to experiment.
So theydon’t they work because their different controllers? Do they receive signals under a certain frequency or something?

I haven’t installed these two components yet so I’m not sure if both the controllers can provide the same effects. Both of the controllers buttons look similar though

Do you think that I could sync them together by using two controllers? I can’t find any videos or previews of the rgb effects from the light strips and case fans.