Is it possible to have worse performance and FPS after overclocking?


Oct 19, 2014

so I tried a little overlocking with my i7 5820k on Asrock X99 EXTREME 4 and then i saw worse performance in games. how is this possible? I also had less fps with 4790k while it was overclocked, how is this possible? What am I doing wrong? I always set multiplier, and voltage manualy, I've tried with motherboards pre-choiced speeds, from 4.0-4.4 but the cpu was getting to hot so i tried manually with lower voltage @4.0ghz. However it was stable but performance was worse. I have mugen 4 pcgh, getting an H110i GT or Noctua NH-D15 this week, cant really decide? Should I see some improvements if I OC cpu to let's say 4.3-4.4ghz? Because I think i have lower fps with 5820k and GTX 980 Ti, than I had with 4790K and GTX 980? Is it possible?


Oct 19, 2014

Yes that's true, but not 4ghz, that's just 11% overclock, I've also seen 5820k running at 4.9 ghz now that would be too much not 4.0ghz :D


Oct 19, 2014

I'm currently using Cooler Master G750M, but it should be enough, but I'm planning an upgrade in few months like 850w 80+ gold, maybe platinum for 980 ti sli.

Of course it is possible to have worse performance after overclocking, especially following the misconception that the cooling solution you are running is great overclocking cooling when it is literally barely better than stock cooling, and worse than some of the high end air coolers.

Looking at your 140w TDP CPU specs and your post, I see your cooler but not one temperature, and if your CPU even approaches a thermal problem it automatically begins throttling procedures to protect itself and guess what?

There goes your workload performance and the overclock performance is worse than before you overclocked.

Your CPU specs

CPU cooling is everything when it comes to overclocking!

Any other questions?



Oct 19, 2014

Temparature was 55 degrees under load so that's not the problem. I was looking on the internet power consumption of my cpu and it's around 360w, my gpu has around 300w + motherboard, hard drive's, optical drive, it possible that my PSU is too weak? i have 750w or should I not overclock with this PSU?

You think 55c load is no problem on a 6 core 140w CPU that the Tcase is 66.8c?

Once you discover that your power supply is not the problem because you are not actually crashing, but experiencing CPU performance fall off, maybe you will be open to actually getting the issue solved? :pfff:



Oct 19, 2014

Up to 70 degrees it's ok for under load. I even know a guy who has the same CPU as me and overclocked to 4,7ghz and he has around 60-70 degrees under load.
So tell me my good sir, do you know what the problem is? And don't say overheating because it's not. These CPU's runs hot it's haswell.

Overheating! :)



Oct 19, 2014

It's not overheating. 55 degrees is nothing for 4.0ghz under load. It's funny because when I choose factory settings for overclocking in bios it's a little better performance at 4ghz than stock, but the voltage is higher and cpu is hotter but it works fine. But i want it to bring down the heat so I overclocked manually, I set the multiplier and voltage and disabel a few things. You think it's possible that it's not working so well due to low voltage? Should I crank it up a little?
Your CPU is boxed warrantied for 3 years, do you honestly think Intel was clueless in protecting that CPU from you.

Temperature is why the performance falls off, and that is because the CPU is protecting itself and the only way you can get around that is to run cooler temperatures than the protection starts activating.

That is done one of two ways, either lower the overclock so you present CPU cooling can do the job, or get better CPU cooling.
When you think that 55c is not a problem you do not know what the CPU is doing to maintain that 55c under load, depending on how fast the CPU is approaching it's operational limits, the protective features built into the CPU are activated, it is like a throttle governor on a school bus, except it is throttling the CPU to keep it below it's thermal threshold.

You see the 55c load temperature and think you are OK because the CPU has not blue Screened and Crashed on you, but you do not realize the 55c is because the CPU is protecting itself and that is evident in raw benchmark performance being worse than before the overclock.

That is about as simple as I can explain it to you.
First of all, the i7 4790K is better for games than the i7 5820K at their max stable OC (~4.5Ghz for both from what I've read). Other than that, how are you regulating the Voltage the CPU is using?

The thermal protection is one of the protection circuitry modern CPUs have. Check the Voltage line and the max and min values.



Oct 19, 2014

nope, i7 5820k @4.0 is even 1-2fps ahead of 6700k @4,7ghz and also check the temparatures he's having in the video. it's ok for cpu to run at 60-70 degrees. 4ryan6 has no idea what he's talking about



Oct 19, 2014

Max safe temperature is 75 degrees for stable 24/7 use under load. 55c is nothing. I have a clue that you don't have any idea about CPU's afterall so thank you and goodbye.

They basically trade blows when the 4790K is OCed, so I'll take your point as valid.

In any case, you didn't answer the voltage question. And I think Ryan knows what he is talking about. A CPU showing 55°C might be throttling to keep that temperature. So, to know for sure, you need to take a look at voltage delivery along with temps.



Oct 19, 2014

The comparision that you send are both at stock speeds. Sorry i didn't saw about voltage. I've set it manually under cpu v-core from automatic to 1.110v. There's not really a difference in temperature between stock and OC to 4.0ghz. In my old case it went even over 60 degrees on pre-choiced OC settings for 4ghz and it was all working well. CPU is not throttling at 55 degrees lol it would above 90c but not 50.
That is odd then. From what I read, 1.1v is kind of "good" for 4.0Ghz using the 5820k. Do you have the VCore to Auto in the BIOS/UEFI settings? You could try playing with the VCore around a bit, raise it just a little bit at a time, keeping the speed at 4.0Ghz.

The final option is the temp reader is wrong or something. If you have access to the HSF, touch the heatpipes and see if they're actually hot, warm or burning hot.
