Question Is it possible to make two external monitors act as one ultrawide?

Nov 29, 2021
With my new company we are using chrome remote desktop in order to connect to a strong local computer for 3D drafting work. I want to use the full screen application over 2 screens but there is no support for this. What I am wondering if it is possible is to set the two screens to act as 1 ultrawide screen so that I don't have to tab between the two. I am aware you can do this with NVIDIA and AMD tools but, I cannot find this within integrated INTEL graphics. It looks like it used to be possible with Intel Graphics Control Panel but they removed that feature.
See if anything in sticks out.

Otherwise if I'm reading your post correctly, you want to have Collage Mode enabled over a remote connection? Remote connections may change the display configuration of the computer being accessed depending on what the client software does.

I actually want to have collage mode on my local so that the remote connection can be used in full screen properly.
I actually want to have collage mode on my local so that the remote connection can be used in full screen properly.
I should add to my post that what resolution you get from a remote connection is a two way street. If the remote computer isn't configured to give you the resolution you want, then you can't get that resolution on the client.

Assuming Chrome Remote Desktop essentially captures the remote as if you're at the computer itself, then the remote computer has to be configured for the resolution you want on the client to begin with. So if it's doing 1080p, that's all you're going to get.
I should add to my post that what resolution you get from a remote connection is a two way street. If the remote computer isn't configured to give you the resolution you want, then you can't get that resolution on the client.

Assuming Chrome Remote Desktop essentially captures the remote as if you're at the computer itself, then the remote computer has to be configured for the resolution you want on the client to begin with. So if it's doing 1080p, that's all you're going to get.

Let me see if I can answer this with some screenshots here. It has nothing to do with the remote resolution, it has to do with I cannot use the full screen properly
Remote is client. (This is the chromebook I assume you are talking about)
CAD is the strong computer/server you are connecting to.

As the server is capable of a wide display, the limitation is in the remote client/chromebook.
Yes I am aware the limitation is on my local computer not the remote computer. I am trying to resolve it from here. Maybe my Images will give you a better idea of what I am talking about?