Is it possible to overclock an i5 3470 on an OEM MB?


Jul 4, 2017
Getting a new PC that comes with an i5 3470, obviously non k and the HP OEM MB most likely does not support OC'ing. Is there any possible way to do so?
HP 6300 Pro SFF

Blunt response hit me in the feels. Is it at all possible however that the motherboard would support any sort of overclocking? FSB or the matter?
I've overclocked OEM computers with varying results. If an Extreme series CPU can run then Throttlestop 8.xx software can control multiplier and Voltage. This will let you run up to the power limits of the MB which can vary quite a bit from great to mediocre. Very few people try this so you're sort of on your own for each system.
There is a program SetFSB which tweaks FSB but without a way to raise Voltage results are usually small.
You can go to and see if any unlocked CPUs are being run on your system, or which CPUs score higher than what you already have.
Candidates for OEM overclocking from best to worst are Woskstations, Gaming Rigs, Home Multimedia Systems, and Office Computers.
The Dimension E520 in my sig. is an old Multimedia computer. I did the overclock a couple years ago so it's small potatoes now but from the listed 2.66GHz to 3.72GHz on an OEM was huge.