is it possible??

why? lga 1155 has already been the interface to two generations of intel cpu's, manufacturing has now shifted to haswell lga 1150 as the mainstream processor. If you're at all concerned about the need for future upgrades, don't be, the lga 1155 i5/i7 cpu's are plenty powerful - the main focus of ivy/haswell has been improvement in igpu performance & power requirements. i personally intend to be with an i5 3350p until at least skylake (2015-2016)

i asked because i just built i7 3770 rig one week before......did i invested on right one????

I doubt it man. The new Haswell-E CPU's that are going to be released will be on a almost new socket type, 2011-3, and broadwell is still unlikely at this current time to be on 1155 either because most or all, not quite sure anymore as rumors keep changing, will be soldered directly onto the board AKA, no socket at all really.

All that being said, 1155 CPU's still kill everything so if you want to go 1155 you won't be falling behind in terms of performance too much
-Intel Response Squad