Is my Alpine 700w PSU not able to power my R9 280x card?

Dave Thompson

Jun 11, 2014
Hello all,

I am 95% sure I need to get a new PSU, but just wanted confirmation and perhaps a recommendation.

My Radeon R9 270x died a few days ago, and I've just received a replacement second hand XFX R9 280x. Ran Furmark..... and instant shut down. It also did it after a few minutes of "Valley" on high settings (it looked like it was struggling a little).

This is why I feel almost certain it's my PSU:
My H81m DS2V mobo has an 8-pin socket for CPU (ATX 12v ?), but the PSU only supplies it with a 4-pin plug. There is also only 1 6-pin PCI plug for graphics, and the 3 molex plugs are all on the same line. I've used an adapter from 2 x molex to the extra 8-pin socket required on the card.
Also to mention, that since using my r9 270x over the past year, my external passport drive would often cut out when transferring files, yet didn't when the graphics card was unplugged. It's all leading me to believe the Furmark shutdown is due to lack of power, but before you call me an idiot, the PSU is "700w", and I was reading that even 600w PSU's can run these cards. However, the XFX website does recommend a 750w PSU. I would much rather the PSU was the culprit rather than my newly purchased 280x. I believe this is the PSU right here.

The card was an unexpected cost, so now will be the PSU. I can see some PSU's on ebay for around £40 and appear to have all the appropriate connectors, but is there anything I should avoid? I have seen people saying the Alpine PSU's are rubbish, but it's served me quite well for the past 3.5 years.

Thanks for any suggestions and conclusions.
Yes, Alpine is one of the legandary garbage brands, a brand slapped on PSUs designed for 90s PCs and full of junk parts. Even if this PSU lived up to its specs, it's not really a 700W PSU, it only has a theoretical max of 450W on the +12V rail, which is what has powered CPUs and GPUs for 20 years now. The fly-by-nights frequently also only test their theoretical wattage at 25 degrees, likely knocking even more of its real-world specs down further. You never see this type of PSU even reviewed anymore as people don't like hooking up their expensive testing equipment to them.

Testing on Furmark, 280x/7970 systems can go north of 350W.


Generally speaking, for any GPU...
That's really a 450W PSU, not 700W.

And yeah it's complete garbage, you have been lucky up to this point that it hasn't fried your system.

Best thing to do is not cheap out on a PSU, get a good quality unit.

Here is a Tier list, pick something from the 1st 3 tiers, ideally the 1st 2 tiers.

That 280X is a power hog, if you don't get a good PSU you will regret it.

Yes, Alpine is one of the legandary garbage brands, a brand slapped on PSUs designed for 90s PCs and full of junk parts. Even if this PSU lived up to its specs, it's not really a 700W PSU, it only has a theoretical max of 450W on the +12V rail, which is what has powered CPUs and GPUs for 20 years now. The fly-by-nights frequently also only test their theoretical wattage at 25 degrees, likely knocking even more of its real-world specs down further. You never see this type of PSU even reviewed anymore as people don't like hooking up their expensive testing equipment to them.

Testing on Furmark, 280x/7970 systems can go north of 350W.


Generally speaking, for any GPU issue, if there's a junk PSU present and you can't swap parts with other systems, the best practice is to first replace the PSU and then re-evaluate, given that it can be such a complicating factor. There's no guarantee that the 280x is fine (or was fine when you got it), but a PSU like this could in fact have damaged the GPU.
Thank you for the replies. You're making me think I should unplug until I get a new PSU! I will just be cautious not to stress it out with any games I run. You say it's got junk parts and designed for the 90's, but it does have SATA connections on it, so maybe not identical to the one I linked to (although the specs read the same). I really do hope the card is OK, and my feeling is that a better PSU will give it the power it needs. Perhaps the PSU damaged the 270x I had?....who knows. Is it common for cheap PSU's to damage people's cards? I will look at that list of PSU's and ponder on it. Thanks again.

SATA connections can be added on later, it doesn't change the basic design of the power supply. Any legitimate power supply that can safely power a GPU will have the proper connectors; using molex adaptors for a power-hungry part like a GPU is almost *never* recommended.

I wouldn't want to power this system with anything less than a good budget 550W. As is typical these days, the newer Corsair CX one is the least expensive (and when I say Corsair CX, I'm talking about the recent line, not the older, far less dependable, one with the green letters).

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Corsair - CXM 550W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($54.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $54.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-01-11 15:51 EST-0500
Corsair  CP-9020121-UK CX Series 550 W CX550 ATX/EPS 80 PLUS Bronze Power Supply Unit - Black

The non modular is £47 from Amazon , & yeah I had an alpine psu back in the day before I knew FA about pc stuff.

I was bedazzled by its blue led fan until it caught fire one day & took £500 worth of components with it.

Wouldnt use the 280x till you've replaced it personally.
Just happened again 🙁 This time running a game I used to have no problem with. Just let it run for a few minutes then crashed. Not sure if it's my imagination, but there might have been something abnormal with the graphics, but can't be certain. Worried I've just bought a bad card. Thanks for the link to the PSU, but XFX recommend a 750w PSU, so would the Corsair 550w be OK? Damn, really hoping these issues are due to the power/cables/connectors.

Companies tend to be very conservative with the power recommendation because, in large part, they know people won't always use good power supplies. Very often, junk 750s are acceptable 500s or 600s. Just not in your case since the PSU is on the very far edge of the junk-o-meter.

A quality 550W will be fine. Unless you're running a 9590 or something (and we know you're not!), 550 is plenty when we're talking a modern, quality power supply.

I believe those are all the same driver and you can just pick one - I'm not sure why it's not in the dropdown. Did you try auto-detect? It'll fuss if it's not the right driver when you try to install. Failing that, you can also try the HD 7970 as your GPU, as it is pretty much the same basic GPU (someone could crossfire a 280x and a 7970 too, not that one would really want to).
Hi guys,

I have some good news about my issue.

DSzymborski, yeah, I quickly realised it was the right driver, but no idea why AMD site would not list the 280x. The more you try and problem solve, the more questions and issues you raise, and my brain starts to slow down! lol

I was really worried I'd bought a naff card from ebay (what with ex-mining cards), but I think I may be OK. I was tempted to go to the PC shop tomorrow and pay them £15 to test the card, but then I stumbled upon a post from 2015 on this forum:

"So after all it was the PSU, underclocked the GPU to 700 and memory to 1100 and no crashes by far, but i have like -30/40% performance now ((( sad, now i have to buy another PSU aswell... that will never end (( "

So I tried the same thing, and got the same results: Furmark did a 720p test twice, but putting clocks back to default made it crash on Furmark immediately.

Does this not confirm the problem lies with the PSU?? I hope it does....sounds like it does....

So thanks for all the replies, much appreciated.

So there I have it. Feel much better now. Will most likely go for that Corsair PSU as recommended, and fingers crossed, I'll be able to enjoy the card


It's likely, but not certain that the PSU is the issue. An underclocked GPU uses less power and your PSU might be on the edge. But it also could be a problem with the GPU. It's just too hard to know without isolating one of the other.

The good news is you'll have a solid budget PSU in there and won't have to worry about it for years; I would have recommended replacing the PSU even if everything was functioning normally to the naked eye.

Indeed. I had been thinking about upgrading to an I5 or I7 anyway (on an I3 4130 right now), and I was going to find out sooner or later that this PSU would be holding me back. For example. it would be nice to get an 8 pin plug on the mobo too, although not sure how much difference it would make. The guy who's post I quoted did indeed fix his problem with a Corsair, so perhaps when I get mine, I can come back to this thread with the same result. Here was his story.

I think it quite likely a PSU will fix the issue, but I don't want to promise you something that isn't a guarantee!

Looking to order a new PSU this evening, and just wanted to ask if there were any more recommendations. So, the 750w recommendation from XFX for the 280x is quite unhelpful, as they should be recommending brands, not wattage. This page recommends a 600w for the 280x, which sounds more assuring than a 550w.

Here is a EVGA 600 W1, 80+ WHITE 600W, but it has 2 x 8-pin pci connectors, and the 280x needs a 6 pin and an 8-pin, so I would need to buy an adapter? Should I aim for a PSU with 2x8-pin connectors for future cards I might upgrade to? I really want to keep the price to around £40 really.

I also have quite a small case, so I am worried if a new PSU will fit, so hope I can get one the exact same size as the existing Alpine.

Thanks to all those who gave advice, but I just want to exhaust your knowledge one final time before I choose one and buy it....TONIGHT!

You really aren't going to get anything worth buying in that price range PSU wise.

You need to raise the budget.

Like this one.


How about the 650w? Only a couple of pounds more. Is it a better choice? I am obviously not seeing the difference in specs, as there are now 2 versions of the 650w Corsair PSU with a difference of £25. How can that be?

Both the VS and CX series are budget PSU's in the Corsair line.

The VS really isn't ment for gaming systems or higher power draw systems etc.

The CX is OK and slightly better than the VS, but I still don't recommend them unless there is nothing else available.

The Corsair TXM series is the bottom I recommend with the RMX series being highly recommended. The Corsair RMX series and up would be the only ones I would buy with my money.
I just want to understand what makes these PSU's different, but don't have the knowledge/will/capability to find out why. I only have your word that the VS is not designed for gaming cards, but have zero clue as to why. Like I said, the card was to replace a broken 270x, so it was an unwanted expense, so having to get a new PSU hurts even more. It seems there is good reason to take the advice and go for the budget CX550 for £46. As long as it powers the card enough to survive a 1080p furmark test, I should be OK. I have a DVD drive, HDD, 2 fans and a H81m DS2V mobo with an i3 4130

The VS was designed for basic workstation computers (Office Machine) PER the Corsair Website and every review ever done on them (Professional Reviews). Made with lower quality parts it's not made to stand the stress of higher end systems such as gaming systems or OCed systems.

The CX is slightly better, but has a shaded past and the CX550M is questionable as it failed one of the latest Professional reviews.

You have a HIGH END gaming card in the system that has a high power draw.

So in the end it's your system and your money so it's your choice in what to buy.

There are 2012 & 2016 variants of the vs series - the 2016 is unquestionably bettet but I still wouldnt buy it.

There are 2012 & 2016 variations of the corsair cx & 2012 & 2015 variations of the cxm.

The newer variations of the cx & cxm (which only come in 450/550/650w models) are good quality imo.

The psu I listed for £46 is both good enough quality & has more than enough power for your setup.

People will bleat about the low hold up time but it won't affect you in the slightest.

Youre in the uk , you won't be using a ups , secondary voltage filters or have terribly unstable mains power.

On a sub £50 budget there is currently no better psu on the market.

Corsair have given it a 5 year warranty for a reason.

Well if he wants a 550W PSU then for a few bucks more he can get A LOT BETTER PSU than either the VS or CX units.

TX550M for £58.98. (Well worth it IMO for quality)