Is my computer strong enough for gaming?


Jul 1, 2015
I'm new to computers and I'm getting this computer from a relative and it is a quad core 2nd gen amd A 10-5700 3.4GHz Accelerated processor, 12 gb ddr3 system memory, AMD Radeon HD 766OD Graphics, 2 terabyte hard drive, with 27 in LED monitor can anyone tell me if this is powerful enough to play DayZ or Arma 3 or do I have to replace my GPU or CPU
what exact processor is it.....if you can give full pc specs like motherboard, ram amount and speed, hdd, graphics card, proceessor model, power supply brand and model/wattage it would help. then we can give more sound advice.....also what games are you planning to play.

I don't have the computer by me so it may be a few days before I can get the full specs but im planning to play DayZ standalone and arma 3

I think you are wrong in your info that is a dual core cpu released in 2007 and a graphics card released in 2011 able to play at medium+ settings on both games.....if you want ultra an Athlon II x4 or phenom II x4 would probably do it......but we don't know the specs yet

Arma/dayz standalone is horribly optimized and also heavily relies on single threaded performance, this in turn means amd's processors struggle with arma.

Everything amd has to offer struggles in arma thanks to its lack of single threaded performance.

Edit: just going to leave this here

Well yes 40 fps is very much playable, but when you are comparing amd's highest end processors they have out right now to some of intels lowest budget cpu's and amd is still losing frames against it.

That alone is kind of sad, 40fps is very playable but 60fps constant is a whole lot better

Many overclocked systems are running in the 4.5-4.7 range (myself included and i can push mine further)

The point remains this is comparing a dual core vs amd's finest

it is a quad core 2nd gen amd A 10-5700 3.4GHz Accelerated processor, 12 gb ddr3 system memory, AMD Radeon HD 766OD Graphics, 2 terabyte hard drive, with 27 in LED monitor can anyone tell me if this is powerful enough to play DayZ or Arma 3 or do I have to replace my GPU or CPU

it is a quad core 2nd gen amd A 10-5700 3.4GHz Accelerated processor, 12 gb ddr3 system memory, AMD Radeon HD 766OD Graphics, 2 terabyte hard drive, with 27 in LED monitor can anyone tell me if this is powerful enough to play DayZ or Arma 3 or do I have to replace my GPU or CPU

You would be lucky to run at low preset 30 fps. My old laptop had the same exact gpu(yes its the EXACT SAME as the igpu on the a10 5700). I could get low preset 30-35 fps.
the cpu in a laptop runs slower than a desktop and the laptop im sure didnt have 12gb ram and since its an igpu it uses system ram instead of vram attached to the card, so 4gb or 6gb or sometimes even 8gb limits the productivity of an APU (cpu/gpu combo) so a desktop with 12gb ram is not the same as a laptop with less ram and will not perform the same. not to mention the hdd in laptops typically has slower rpm than a desktop hdd (small impact but with the other factors they all add up).

1. slower cpu speed
2. less shared ram
3. slower hdd
4. usually hardwired vs wireless for consistant signal strength

id take an a10 desktop over any laptop any day because a desktop outperforms a laptop for gaming

Ive said this and had this argument before so let me explain it clearly.

The gpu in my laptop is the exact same as the desktop gpu. besides core clock.

The desktop 7660D has 384 shaders @800mhz max boost. My laptop has 384 shaders @720mhz, both the same architecture, terrascale 3.

At this level of gpu, cpu makes no difference.

Ram makes no difference, whether its 8 or 12gbs, ram speed matters which the speed of his was not posted.

HDD does not affect fps, nor does internet speed.

Its a desktop not a laptop explains how shared memory slows a system down when using an igpu. and since the spead and amount of ram in your laptop are almost guaranteed to be slower than his desktop ill promise you side by side he will outperform you.

passmark shows the desktop apu at 4217 and the mobile at 3387 so there is a difference from the desktop to laptop versions up a bit about how APU's work before giving bad advice. i have used AMD APU's for years in my builds and they are not as bad you think.;_ylt=A2KIo9iv7P1V71MAzMssnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZ2N0cmxpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMg--?p=A10+5700+Dayz+Stand+Alone+Gameplay&vid=70ae31b7200ba02e96dbbe0f6149b440&

Ejam4 i was referring to the other guy posting about his laptop.
check my links for how it will play.

He will only gain around 5-7 fps with 2133mhz ram vs 1600mhz ram.

Passmark score means nothing in the real world.
I'm done arguing with you. Link me a video of that apu crashing trying to play a that is designed to play optimally on a phenom x4 and I'll see your point bUT since I have already seen many videos showing it play that exact game using the igpu Id have to say the answer is still yes it will play it. And since the OP asked will it play it I think it's been answered and proven

Here is a list of benchmarks for the 7660d.

Everything you posted and used is garbage, the wiki article proved nothing. You put up an arma yahoo search in which proved nothing.

Take a look here, with a GTX Titan and an a10 5700 only got 43 fps at max settings. The igpu on the a10 5700 will not get 43 on low.
Dayz and ARMA rely on strong ipc on cpus and strong graphics cores, whch the apu has neither.

Okay so I have no idea what any of you guys are talking about with this tech language so I just need a simple question will it play at a reasonable amount of fps if I need to change the graphics card or cpu I will i just don't need a fight in the comments i was looking for a yes or no answer
the cpu will do ok not amazing but ok......if you get a graphics card for about $150 you will do much better.

@lookitsrain he has a desktop not laptop you keep linking laptop info i have seen videoes of it being played on the desktop version of the processor even with igpu and yes it is at low setting but the OP has even said he does not care if it is low settings he just wants to play so stop arguing that it will never play at max settings at 60+ fps no one expects it to.

the simple answer is yes it will play it and yes a new graphics card will help.