Is my computer upgradable? (CPU, Video Card, and RAM)

Dec 16, 2018
I recently bought this computer CyberPowerPC and was wondering if It would be possible to replace the CPU, Video card or RAM on it? I'm looking to run DOOM 2016 and possibly Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Ultra settings comfortably, so if anybody has any suggestions on what kind of upgrades I should get to do that, it would be very much appreciated!
Wow. So you've got an fx 8350 and an RX 560?? Sorry to say to make it a decent gamer, you are going to need a full rebuild.

In other words, new board, new ram and new processor. The RX 560 is fairly weak to. I suppose you could try to upgrade to an RX 580 8gb, but if you go any higher than that, your processor will probably bottleneck. I would consider changing the power supply as well because having worked on a few of those systems, they sometimes tend to put cheap power supplies in them.
being a desktop PC ofc it is up-gradable.

just have to make sure whats compatible with the MB in it. (MB limits what ram and CPU can be upped to w/o replacing it)

for "ultra" settings you'd likely have to go to a 1060 6gb+ on blue side or rx 580 8 gb on red side (as ultra settings LOVE multiple GB of vram and less than 6gb is usually not enoguh) and another 8gb of ram (as recommended settigns for Kingdom Come: Deliverance is 16gb ram)

your CPU meets the recommended luckily for both those games so that should be fine (and if not lowering shadows or another high cpu settign to medium or low should run near flawlessly @1080p)
Add an RX 570 or 1060 3gb, whichever costs you less and whichever one your power supply can handle, and you'll see the best possible game performance with that system.

"Ultra" settings won't run the same on different games. Doom should run great, it uses Vulcan and gets pretty good performance out of that. Kingdom Come can be harder to run even on powerful systems.

I'm assuming that since you just got this system you won't be doing a total rebuild, which is why I recommend a 570 or 3gb 1060. They are a better match for what you have now. If you were looking to upgrade your entire system then I'd recommend a 580 or 6gb 1060 since you'd be better able to use that extra performance.
I don't know that I'd go 3gb. Even 4gb would be out of date. Might go 6gb or 580 8gb. Then start saving pennies for rebuild in a year or 2. Is there maybe a return policy if you just got the system? Not to be a jerk, but when I had a system similar to that it was around 2012-2013.

So lets say I do want to do a rebuild, what components exactly would you recommend I get to run these games on Ultra settings? I've heard so far getting 8gb of ram, RX 580 8gb, an AMD ryzen CPU and a new power supply. I do not have any experience with computer components so this is all new to me. If I were to have all of the above installed that i mentioned here, would that be suitable to run these games on Ultra?