Question Is my CPU a bottleneck or is my graphics card defective?


Sep 24, 2020
Alright so I got a new 3080 a few days ago and it arrived. I'm using a 7700k CPU, I get that my CPU will bottleneck my graphics card but apparently someone with a 3070 is getting better performance than I am and that just doesn't make sense since a 7700k wouldnt be a big bottleneck at all @ 1440p on a 3070.

This is a benchmark test I did on one of the Missons, My settings were
Everything High
Motionblur - off
Raytracing - High

When I dont have raytracing enabled I usually get 140-160 FPS. Wondering if there could be something with ray tracing in my card being defective or if its a CPU bottleneck.
Alright so I got a new 3080 a few days ago and it arrived. I'm using a 7700k CPU, I get that my CPU will bottleneck my graphics card but apparently someone with a 3070 is getting better performance than I am and that just doesn't make sense since a 7700k wouldnt be a big bottleneck at all @ 1440p on a 3070.

This is a benchmark test I did on one of the Missons, My settings were
Everything High
Motionblur - off
Raytracing - High

When I dont have raytracing enabled I usually get 140-160 FPS. Wondering if there could be something with ray tracing in my card being defective or if its a CPU bottleneck.

Do they have DLSS enabled? Do you?

4 Core def are starting to show their age but for gaming they are still holding strong and probably will for another couple years. Use something like MSi Afterburner to monitor your GPU and CPU temps and usage via the overlay, or even just keep task manager opening in the background and see how much CPU usage you have.
I just did some testing myself and with no DLSS/Raytracing on I get the same performance. I've also noticed that with DLSS on I dont really notice a significant performance increase because my CPU is bottlenecking it.
So i'm like 80% sure its my CPU just bottlenecking it
That also explains why when I go from raytracing Medium --> High I dont really notice a difference
Without DLSS my CPU isnt bottlenecking much, if at all, but when I enabled DLSS I can basically change the settings to whatever I want with minimum FPS impact, except for ray-tracing. However once I enable ray tracing the difference between Medium (the lowest the game lets me pick) and Ultra (the highest) is only like 10fp

When I enable ray tracing I immediately experience a HUGE fps hit however the difference between raytracing settings once enabled is only like 10.
My FPS is capped to 164 fps when i'm windowed. However when i'm in fullscreen mode my FPS is uncapped. How can I make it so my FPS isnt capped in windowed mode. Its not game-specific, I tested it on both Minecraft and CSGO.

V-Sync is off and nothing appears to limit framerates as again in fullscreen it is above 160.

When an application is in windowed mode but it IS NOT IN FOCUS my framerate is UNCAPPED, if I have minecraft open but then I click on discord and look at my minecraft framerate it jumps from 160 to 300.

When an application is in windowed AND IN FOCUS my framerate is CAPPED to 164.

my framerate is uncapped during fullscreen mode. I would like to uncap it for windowed mode aswell.

I've got a 3080 very recently (2 days ago) and I also installed MSI Afterburner for Rivatuner but thats it. I reinstalled drivers, Not through DDU but through the 3080 drivers .exe from Nvidia's site.