
Mar 24, 2012
Hey, i was just wondering if my cpu is bottlenecking. Ive been playing battlefield 3 (multiplayer) and im not so satisfied with my fps, but i think my gpu is good enough but not sure about my cpu. Been playing it on Normal setting 1024 res, and i was hoping for atleast 40 50 minimum fps in any map.

Core2 Quad q9550
GTX 650 ti Boost 2gb
8gb ram

Without even looking at data from your situation I would say the Q9550 probably is bottlenecking you a bit. An easy way to tell if it is your CPU is to open task manager while you are playing bf3 and if your CPU usage is maxing out at 100% then you have a CPU bottleneck. If you plan on upgrading your CPU you will also have to get a new motherboard as the LGA 775 socket doesn't have anything much better than the Q9550.
Without even looking at data from your situation I would say the Q9550 probably is bottlenecking you a bit. An easy way to tell if it is your CPU is to open task manager while you are playing bf3 and if your CPU usage is maxing out at 100% then you have a CPU bottleneck. If you plan on upgrading your CPU you will also have to get a new motherboard as the LGA 775 socket doesn't have anything much better than the Q9550.
Thanks guys for your answers, yeah the upgrade would cost me much because i would have to change my MOBO, but ill test my cpu usage as you mentioned through task manager.