Is my CPU bottlenecking my GPU?

Shady Jervais

Jan 2, 2015
I have a lanparty dk790fx couple with an AMD athlon 7750 x2 2.7GHz (OC 3.2) and I just picked up a R7 260x, and I noticed I wasn't hitting the framrates other people were for games. So is my CPU bottlenecking my GPU? and if it is, is there an AM2 processor that won't do it/ Can't afford to upgrade MOBO and CPU
Very likely yes, though even the best possible CPU will likely limit it to some extent. An oc'd Athlon II X4 would be better, of course
a Phenon II 965 in order to have some L3. Be careful when choosing CPUs, some mbds don't support all possible AM2 options.


Very likely yes, though even the best possible CPU will likely limit it to some extent. An oc'd Athlon II X4 would be better, of course
a Phenon II 965 in order to have some L3. Be careful when choosing CPUs, some mbds don't support all possible AM2 options.

