Is my CPU causing a bottleneck with my GTX 970?


Oct 25, 2014
I have an i5 3330 and a Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 and was wondering if I have a bottleneck? I have noticed tons of reports of bad performance and low usage with the 970 and a I was wondering if that might be the case also. I tested it on bf3 (On the screenshot you can see a tiny bit of space between the two lines but while actually playing I never see them seperated.)


bad performance compare to what ?
you should be fine with that i5 3330, of course a overclocked K model will give you better performance with that GTX970.

bad performance compare to what ?
you should be fine with that i5 3330, of course a overclocked K model will give you better performance with that GTX970.
