Hi guys. I recently got a GTX 280 for christmas. I'm running Crysis and Farcry 2 but I'm only getting around 30-50 frames. The wierd thing is, not matter what I change the visual settings to, the game gets the same FPS. I've tried 1024x768 at 0, 4, and 8 AA, then 1280x900, with the same, tried low quality and high quality (in Farcry 2), but I usually get the same results. Is this indicative of a CPU bottleneck? I'm running a core2duo e6600 OCed to 3.6 . I've got a new PSU coming because the GTX recommends 40v at 12amps or something like that (I dunno I'm new to this!) and the enermax I'm using now only puts out 30 at 5. Hopefully the new PSU will fix my frame rate woes. I mean it's not bad, but its not perfect either. It just seems strange to me that adjusting the graphical settings really doesn't affect my frame rate that much.