Question Is my GPU broken? (a bend at the top corner)

May 10, 2019
Hey, so I just bought an Asus rog strix rx570 (used) and I noticed that there is a small bend at the top corner (behind 8pin connector), I haven't tried the card yet because the rest of my build still hasn't arrived yet but I'm not sure if the card will work fine, and if I'll have problems in the long run, I don't want to waste time and money on shipping it back again and I'm not sure if it was damaged in the shipping process or if the seller had it in this state (still waiting for his response)
Anyone else have had something like this before? Should I keep it or just ask for a refund and send it back.

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If you bought on ebay and paid with paypal, you are protected.
See what the seller says.

In addition to the possibility of a broken trace, I see some buckling that may or may not be a problem.
I doubt such damage would occur during shipping.
It looks like it may have been forced into a cramped space.

I would certainly want to test and verify that the card works properly before accepting it.
I wouldn't be keeping this under any circumstances -- buying used parts necessitates you being more careful with the condition of parts, not less so -- but even if I were inclined to, I certainly wouldn't keep it if I didn't even have a rig to test it in right now. You'll have a lot harder a case to make for a return if six weeks from now you test it and it doesn't work and you suddenly contact the seller after all this time that it doesn't work because it's physically broken.