Question Is my gpu dead?

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Jul 1, 2019
Hi , for the past 2 days my computer has been crashing when I do anything besides watch youtube. but the strange thing is it instead of turning off my pc it just stop sending images to my monitor my pc keeps running in the background (if i was talking on discord that would still work even after my monitors turned off)
I've tried using different monitor cables + different monitors but it still happens
Reinstalled windows but it still happens

here are my specs : i74790k
: Gigabyte z97x
: 16 gb of ram from corsair
: Asus strix 970
: Cooler master G750m 750w psu

here is my cpu / gpuz :

Any help is appreciated!
Same thing happened to me losing signal randomly and crashing but i was still able to hear background sounds and it end at gpu power problem i think the cable one of the pcie cable was a bit off. Maybe you should start first with taking you gpu out clean it and reinstall it and then check your psu.
Update : Just updated my drivers and refitted my gpu into a new pcie slot + used a different 8 pin cable and it's still crashing. any thing else I can do. Ordered a new psu will 650w be enough?
in administrative events its mainly stuff like this :
Failed with 0x490 modifying AppModel Runtime status for package Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2019.19041.16510.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe for user DESKTOP-MO9TN22\Abhijeet (current status = 0x0, desired status = 0x20).
And there are no errors on the application tab.
on system all display markers have information next to them rather than error.
A caller specified the SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION flag in a call to the SetDisplayConfig() API
Ok , then try use ddu and clean install the gpu drivers. Then try updating your bios and change your psu as you said you ordered a new one. If nothing of this works maybe you will have to find another gpu cause its the only way to check if this gpu is faulty.
on system all display markers have information next to them rather than error.
A caller specified the SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION flag in a call to the SetDisplayConfig() API

One of the causes of this FLAG, is because it is set by applications setting a specific fullscreen mode. TRY ALT TABBING from Fullscreen Games. Other causes can be a bad cable Management on your PC, or due to the display port on your GPU/Monitor. Re-connect everything on your PC properly, and make sure there are no loose connections.

SDC_FORCE_MODE_ENUMERATION :::: This caller requests that the driver is given an opportunity to update the GDI mode list, while SetDisplayConfig sets the new display configuration in OS. BUT, this flag value is only valid when the SDC_USE_SUPPLIED_DISPLAY_CONFIG and SDC_APPLY flag values are also specified.
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ALSO, is there any Yellow triangle exclamation mark on any of your devices ?? Please check the DEVICE MANAGER, under the "display Adapters" setting/entry. Clear and reset all the CMOS/BIOS settings to default, and try updating the system BIOS, if need be.
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