Is my GPU running at a dangerous temperature?

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Agreed, your Temps are fine, they are designed to be able to run hot, when you reach the high 90s and 100s then it's a problem, if you are not comfortable with your temps you can change your CPU fan or ramp up the fans RPM on your CPU and GPU to decrease the temperatures.
Your fine, I have a rule for this stuff:

30 Degrees and below, YOUR ICE COLD.

50 Degrees, Keep it in the back of your mind

70 Degrees, Just think about every so often

90 Degrees. START TO WORRY

100 degrees, Okay, I think you just lost something 😀
Thanks for the replies guys! I really wanted to play Watch Dogs and I know it's going to be quite demanding graphically, even on medium or high settings. I thought that I'd have to buy a PS4 instead to play it without worrying about ruining my graphics card. But if it's still within safe temperatures then that's great lol. I appreciate the answers!
Also, one question! If I did want to lower the temps, should I use MSI afterburner? My PC uses like 40% fans when my gpu gets to mid 80s celsius

any OC software works with all cards and all do a similar job, just set the fan speed manually when it gets to a certain temperature.

Yeah I set it to about 45% fan speed when it reaches 70 C and then 55% fan speed if it reaches 80 C and the temperature difference is HUGE. Now the gpu never goes past like 77 C. If I wanted to, I could even make it 55% fan speed at 70 C and have the gpu be at like 71-72 C when playing graphically intensive games but it gets really loud at that point. But still, that's a 10 C difference!! xD
below 85 degrees, your fine, the card isn;t being damaged in any way, even though it's running hot. It really isn't anything to worry about, only worry once it goes over 95 degrees for your graphics card, your safely within operating temperature.
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