Is my HDD dead?


Jun 28, 2015
My hdd is a Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 (ST3500418AS 500 GB). I removed my PSU and attached it to my friend's system to test my GPUs. When I went home, I reattached my PSU and plugged everything back in. The boot up was getting slow i.e. stuck in Windows 7 "starting windows" screen, boots up and doesn't do anything and shows a blinking underscore. I decided to let it rest since I don't know what to do. After a day and a half, I started it up again. This time the BIOS startup was also slow. 2-3 restarts later the mobo doesn't even recognize the HDD anymore. I tried using a Win7 Install disc and it doesn't find the drive. I have a spare HDD which is a Seagate Pipeline HD .2 320GB. But I think the spare one is also dead. Both HDD are given by my uncle. Both might be already used since he got them from work. Any help would be appreciated.
Get this

The CC49 ISO

And burn it then boot from it. See if it fixes it. It maybe a firmware bug on the seagate.

Some seagate DID have buggy firmware and after a while the BIOS / well anything couldnt see it

Hopefully if this can detect it, it can update it. If it doesnt have CC49 on it already

There's a label / sticker on the hdd. What firmware is on it now (if you've never updated the firmware on it)

Get this

The CC49 ISO

And burn it then boot from it. See if it fixes it. It maybe a firmware bug on the seagate.

Some seagate DID have buggy firmware and after a while the BIOS / well anything couldnt see it

Hopefully if this can detect it, it can update it. If it doesnt have CC49 on it already

There's a label / sticker on the hdd. What firmware is on it now (if you've never updated the firmware on it)

Well I know you cant do it. You could try this. If you or someone is using Win10. Get that ISO. mount it / right mouse on it / mount.

Get a flash drive if you've got one. Get rufus run it.

Change it to MBR for BIOS or UEFI. , select freedos down the bottom. Then start. It'll format the flash drive. So if there's anything on it that you want, copy it

Then copy what the ISO mounted to it .. Eject it then see if it boots

Just because the hdd on this PC doesnt boot it doesnt mean a dvd or flash drive wont