Is my i7 4770 bottlenecking my 780ti


Dec 10, 2013
Been trying to get Alien Isolation running smoothly on Oculus Rift for a few days now. I have Fps drops in the bigger areas which cause horrible judder in the rift, I played the game with msi afterburner displaying in the rift earlier and my GPU never shifted higher that 55% usage, where as my CPU was only really using two cores one of them was stable around 55% and the other was 75% pushing up to 93% when I was getting frame rate drops.

Windows 8.1
I7 4770 3.4 (3.9 turbo boost)
16 gb ram
780ti 3gb
Hopefully it's the game then, as Rift support was dropped and it has been reanabled by changing a .ini command. A few people have suggested that even if one core of your CPU is in the 80's it could be bottlenecking your system. So just wanted to check with people that know what there talking about.