Is my laptop dead?

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Dec 5, 2017
My old Lenovo ThinkPad x201 has been experiencing, well, "old laptop" issues for a while, but has still worked fine. However, randomly, a few weeks ago, it won't turn on. What will happen: the charging light is on (if plugged in) and the sleep light is on, if I turn it on, every light will flash like normal but refuses to turn on. Then, it will continuously flash every ~7 seconds. Before it did this, it did have a yellow battery light, so I bought a new battery to see if it would solve the issue. It did not. My cord has been frayed for a long time, but the charging light has been on this whole time.
Should I return the battery? Try and buy a new adapter? Or just give up and by a hard drive adapter for my new laptop, since I have all my files on the old one? ( which I don't know how but I'm sure Google will help.)
Any ideas, thank you so much!!
You can try taking the battery out of the laptop for a minute or so, holding the power button down but 15-30 seconds and then, putting the battery back in and attempt to turn it on once more. Some laptops getting with the age get on a bit of a fit with electrostatic stuff, and it has awaken 1 or 2 laptops I've had to deal with but also:

From past experience, such behavior could be leading to a dead motherboard, something has gone wrong, specially when you said you bought a new battery and it did not alleviate the issue. It should be capable of delivering fresh power into the laptop, if its still not turning on, no bother buying a new power adapter as it won't really fix anything.

Your best bet is honestly returning the battery and...
You can try taking the battery out of the laptop for a minute or so, holding the power button down but 15-30 seconds and then, putting the battery back in and attempt to turn it on once more. Some laptops getting with the age get on a bit of a fit with electrostatic stuff, and it has awaken 1 or 2 laptops I've had to deal with but also:

From past experience, such behavior could be leading to a dead motherboard, something has gone wrong, specially when you said you bought a new battery and it did not alleviate the issue. It should be capable of delivering fresh power into the laptop, if its still not turning on, no bother buying a new power adapter as it won't really fix anything.

Your best bet is honestly returning the battery and getting the money back on that purchase before you have a battery laying around that doesn't serve you of anything.

Question: Would you like to add the hard drive from the old laptop to the new one? Permanently? Or would you want to take the data off of the old hard drive and store it in the new one?

I'd personally advise you to take what you need out of the old hard drive because hard drives fail, and since this laptop has had a few years, you're better off saving what you can from the hard drive rather than having to find out afterwards that the hard drive died.

As for taking the data off of the laptop, you can get "external HDD enclosures" compatible with 2.5" drives, of which you then use to install your old hard drive and then plug it into the laptop using a regular USB connection.

They can be found really cheap on websites such as Amazon, Ebay and local stores may have them as well.
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