Is My Motherboard Failing?


May 21, 2017
I noticed a significant slowdown on my system about two weeks ago so I decided to wipe and reload. I got through that but it didn't actually fix anything. I ran a perfmon /report and got back the following:

Missing Events in Event Log
Details: Investigate why 34% (43,381) events were lost during data collection. The settings for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) maximum buffers and buffer size may not be optimal depending on which data sets are being collected.

The "CPU" rating for the system is poor and may be the cause of performance problems. Reducing the number of open applications may improve system performance. Check for unnecessary startup applications and disable those that are not required. If the problem continues the CPU may need to be upgraded.

The "Gaming graphics" rating for the system is poor and may be the cause of performance problems in multimedia applications or games. Disabling Aero Glass may improve performance in multimedia applications or games. If the problem continues the display adapter may need an updated driver or may need to be upgraded.

The "Graphics" rating for the system is poor and may be the cause of performance problems. Disabling Desktop Composition or reducing screen resolution may improve graphical performance. If the problem continues the display adapter may need an updated driver or may need to be upgraded.

The "Disk" rating for the system is poor and may be the cause of performance problems. Reducing the number of open applications may improve system performance. Ensure the disk has adequate free space and is defragmented. Check for unnecessary startup applications and disable those that are not required. If the problem continues the disk may need to be upgraded.

The "Memory" rating for the system is very poor and may be the cause for performance issues. Reducing the number of open applications may improve system performance. Check for unnecessary startup applications and disable those that are not required. If the problem continues the memory may need to be upgraded.

I can't imagine all of these pieces of hardware are failing at once, so that leads me to the common denominator of the motherboard. Am I off base here?
I see nothing wrong in the pictures; the system is idle and "perfmon /report" is not useful to determine why a system doesn't perform as well as it should (or why it doesn't meet expectations). What significantly slowed down? What happens when you benchmark the CPU and the GPU? Are the results comparable to other systems and if not, what is slower?
Things take far longer to load than they should be it programs or webpages. I get some stuttering and general lag. I have tried reinstalling on both hard drives to see if it was a HD problem but it is the same regardless. I don't think it's a GPU issue based on the kind of lag and the install issues.
Benchmark your CPU, SSD and hard disk. Reinstalling is not always a good solution; you need to determine what causes the slowdown. Does your CPU run at full speed when it has to? Are you monitoring it with Intel XTU (enable all hardware monitors)? Anything abnormal when you run the very easy CPU stress test? The CPU utilization should be 90% or more and it should run at it's rated speed, no throttling, etc.
Install Intel XTU and enable all hardware monitors. Enable the following system graphs:
- CPU Temperature
- CPU Utilization
- Processor Frequency
- Thermal Throttling
- Power Limit Throttling

Set the graph for 10 minutes.

Click Benchmarking and provide a picture of the whole screen as soon as it's complete. Your CPU isn't dying, but throttling or something else probably prevents it from reaching its full potential.
So I ran that and it was showing my thermal throttle. I went out and picked up a Corsair H55 and installed it and my system is running much better, but it still seems to be running a bit slow.
As you can see, it never exceeds 0.8 GHz. You should click the little blue icon on the bottom right zone and enable all hardware monitors; that would allow you to to see if the CPU gets really hot or if something else is causing the issue. You didn't mention what cooler you have; if it's the stock cooler, did you verify that all pins are fully locked in place?
There is a switch on the motherboard that throttles the cpu at .80ghz. I'm fairly certain this is what is causing my issue. When I toggle it off and on the problem goes away for a few minutes and then comes back again. I'm in the process of running another set of stats now and will post in 10.
Contact MSI support and tell them that the motherboard throttles the CPU even though its cold (I doubt it's that cold, but it obviously isn't overheating). It could be the CPU, but I presume the motherboard has a bad sensor that causes the issue. The switch should force it to slow mode while it POST, but it should run normally once the the OS is loaded.
Didn't have time to go through all that so I went out and got a new motherboard. Got it installed and everything is running like new. Thanks for the help guys.