Is My Motherboard Fried?


Jun 28, 2014
Okay, you are going to call me a dumbass a lot of times while reading this but bear with me. So I built a PC for Christmas last year and I didn't know a lot about the art of building a PC.

If you want to see my specs here they are:

Power Supply-
Graphics Card-
CPU Processor-
1TB Hard Drive-
8GB Ram-

Alright, so now i will get into the story, I put my PC together and didn't put my internal speaker in for my motherboard. And a couple months passed and now my monitor doesn't display while my PC does in fact turn on. I have tried it with multiple monitors and it does no justice. I was wondering if I should get a whole new motherboard with my warranty (assuming that it is a fried motherboard) or if I should just get an internal speaker to check if it gives off a beep code for the occurring problem that i am having.

PS: I did not put the stands on for my motherboard either, THAT is why I believe that my motherboard may be fried. Sorry for not informing you guys on that earlier. Thanks!


Have you got your display plugged in through the graphics card or the motherboard?

If you didn't put the stands on, your Motherboard might have shorted against something or static electricity in the case may have done it. If so, you won't be able to make a claim because that counts as environmental damage or 'improper use'. AKA, it ain't covered.

I can help you further, but I'd really like some pictures of the inside of your PC so I can check if things are set up properly.
My friend forgot to put those on, here is what we did.

We pulled the board out of the PC and laid it on a nonconductive surface (ie box).
Connected ONLY what we needed (grab a speaker from a friend)
Grabbed his motherboard manual and looked up each beep code as they occured and fixed them one by one.

He actually put the CPU in wrong and bent like 15 pins that I managed to bend back too. That was like a 3 hour session -_-

As long as your motherboard is not completely screwed up since you did not follow one of the most important steps, you're good. Otherwise, you dun goofed. Be sure to ALWAYS use standoffs.

Okay so, here is a video with what you need :)

I watched the video, that's a really strange set of issues you have.
A number of things could be causing these issues, but the problem lies with your motherboard for sure.

It couldn't be your CPU because the cooler on top actually has thermal paste pre-applied, like this:

The motherboard looks to be the issue. I doubt you'll be able to claim on warranty but it's worth a go anyway. (Just don't mention the stand-offs and what not)
The reason the fans went on and off is because the PC is turning on and off in a loop, sadly, I'm no motherboard expert so I won't be able to say why. If you still have the internal speaker, you can try to plug that in and determine the problem, if you do, let me know and I might be able to help.

In conclusion, it looks like your motherboard shorted against something. I have no idea what, I was hoping I'd be able to spot it in the video.
Here's my advice for you:
1. Remove everything, start from the ground up and make sure you use standoffs. Try to neaten things up too, if you can. Use proper cable management etc, then you can identify an issue much faster. Here's my build, use it for inspiration 😉

2. Contact MSI and see if they'll replace your motherboard. Explain your problem, but don't mention what you did with the standoffs, or they'll blame you and might even void your warranty.

Let me know if I can help any more, but this is a hard issue and I wish you the best in repairing your build!

~ Adam

Okay so I got my hands on an internal speaker, and according to this website the beep code signals that I have a monitor/display card error. So does this still mean that the motherboard could be the problem, or do you think it could be something different?

I do not believe there is on-board graphics on any FM2 socket boards since they are built for the APUs. I remember that from a friend who had that style board and the thing wouldn't even post without a GPU in.