Is my new 7870 XT underperforming or did I just overestimate it's performance?


Aug 10, 2012
Here are the details.

My rig: i5-3450, 8GB RAM, Seasonic S12ii 620W, MSI H61M-P31 (G3) Mobo, Powercolor 7870 Myst(XT)

I have the latest beta drivers and updated my BIOS. I did some benchmarks with the games I have and with 3DMark11. I haven't overclocked it yet cause I think my budget mobo won't let me.

3DMark 11 score: 7339 Link
These were done on 1920x1080 resolution, and maximum graphics

Metro Last Light: 15-21 FPS
Path of Exile: 60 FPS constantly (60Hz setting)
Rome 2 Total War: FPS fluctuates constantly. Can be as high as 40 FPS zoomed out, and as low as 9 FPS zoomed in on massive battles.
GTA IV w/ Icenhancer ENB: 22-25 FPS
Bioshock Infinite: 50 FPS constantly (50Hz setting)
Battlefield 3: 60 FPS constantly (60Hz setting)
Far Cry 3: 45-50 FPS, sometimes hits 30 FPS when overlooking vast distances.

I did some research on this card and I learned that this is more than enough for 1080p gaming. I noticed it does well on some games (BF3, Bioshock) and completely sucks on others (Metro LL, FC3, Rome 2) Maybe those games aren't well optimized?

BTW another quick question. How will you know if a mobo can overclock? I looked at the details of my board and there was no mention of overclocking capabilities...

Okay, thanks! My i5-3450 has this turbo boost feature that ups it from 3.1ghz to 3.5ghz. I guess this is the only boost I can do, the GPU is off limits right?
Overclocking a graphics card is an entirely separate thing from cpu overclocking.
graphics card vendors are wise to such overclocking.
They select their best chips for factory overclocked cards so they can be sold at a premium.
I would not bother, even though it is possible.
I'm running a HD7950 on a overclocked i5 750, so our rigs are very similar (7870XT is a slightly cut down 7950).
Assuming a single 1080 display you're close to my figures except in Motro LL and Rome TW (which I don't play).
I think the Rome issue is partly CPU, in massive battles the poor processor has so much to do it just gets bogged down.
With Metro there are some tweaks that can help the biggest is to go to the Gameplay menu and disable advanced PhysX, it's on by default and HALVED my framerate until I found out how to turn it off.
BTW, if you're getting stuttering gameplay in FC3 download Radeonpro and set a profile to cap the framerate and make sure Vsync is off both ingame and in the drivers. For this game you should set the cap at the minimum FPS your rig can sustain, if the actual framerate drops below this number the stuttering will come back, for my rig 45 FPS works like a charm.

Is it advisable to overclock on my budget mobo? (MSI H61M-P31)

Heh, I found out that Metro LL released an update fixing issues with HD 7000 series now my framerate has doubled, I get 35 FPS at ultra settings. And Rome 2 is just an unoptimized game, and is somehow unplayable atm. FC3 is running just fine. I'm gonna enjoy gaming on this rig :)