Is my paged memory actually being used?


Nov 8, 2008
Just a bit confused here about memory paged files , i have 4gb of ram and paged 6 gb of virtual memory on main drive (boot drive) and an additional 6gb on a secondary drive so i have aprox 12 gb of paged memory.

my confusion is when i access task manager Performance Tab and look at this Kernel Memory (MB) with Paged aprox 335 and non paged around 50... makes me wonder is this the paged memory i allocated or something entirely different? and if it is the same why is it taking so little from the amount i actually put...

the kernel memory refered as paged is different from the amount of virtual memory you have set as page file!

only if somehow no more data can fit into physical ram only then virtual memory is being used. you would immediately notice such condition as on task manager memory column would appear full and your pc responding would have considerably deteriorated!

the kernel memory refered as paged is different from the amount of virtual memory you have set as page file!

only if somehow no more data can fit into physical ram only then virtual memory is being used. you would immediately notice such condition as on task manager memory column would appear full and your pc responding would have considerably deteriorated!