Hello I have a core i5 660. (I think it's old) 6gb of gddr3 ram and a 1050ti. What kind of performance will I get? And is my CPU going to bottleneck my GPU? Thanks in advance
the 660 will bottleneck your 1050ti, but don't be too hung up on the idea of a bottleneck, your 1050ti might be underutilised, but that may change on a game by game basis.
the 660 will bottleneck your 1050ti, but don't be too hung up on the idea of a bottleneck, your 1050ti might be underutilised, but that may change on a game by game basis.
It's important to state what it's supposed to be used for, asking like this may mean anything. Computer "decent" for solitaire is not going to be "decent" for battlefield 1 for instance.