is my rig good for crossfire two radeon hd 7950? or just buy a r9 290x for gaming


Mar 29, 2014
4,510 crossfire worth it??
2.will i see any performance increase in gaming like battlefield 4 maxed out 1080p 60 fps
cpu- amd fx 6300 overclocked at 4.1ghz
gpu- sapphire radeon hd 7950 overclocked at 1055 mhz
psu cosair cx750m 750 watt
MB- biostar ta970

Incorrect, even a 8350 bottlenecks a 290.

Your combo might seem to work great, BUT that doesn't mean you are getting full use of the 290.

Because you are NOT with a 6300. The mantle benchmarks prove this.

It would.

173 Watts total out of 750 W.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($109.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Biostar TA970 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($79.98 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Kingston 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($54.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: Corsair Builder 750W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($59.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $304.95
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-04-13 23:50 EDT-0400)

But still, I rather have a 290X, instead of 2xR9 280X, equivalent of 2x7950. The 290X is in the top 10 cards.
Your CPU will bottleneck either combo. Just do a search.
And a FX 8350 won't help.

Just lower your settings.
Or step up to an Intel build, ideally LGA 1150.

your gpu is already past the cpu's limit, it is bottlenecked, the fps limiter in your system is the cpu.

a overclocked 8320 would alleviate it on that single card.

a 290 without at least an i5/heavily overclocked 8320 would be a mistake.


Incorrect, even a 8350 bottlenecks a 290.

Your combo might seem to work great, BUT that doesn't mean you are getting full use of the 290.

Because you are NOT with a 6300. The mantle benchmarks prove this.


290 is being utilized 100% in both gaming and benchmarks which means its not bottlenecked. Difference in FPS between my combo and i5 can be counted in 1 hand and that is not bottleneck.

Counted in one hand eh....

The i5 has over double the minimum fps and 20fps better average than a 6300 with a 290 in bf4.


Not even a highly overclocked 8350 can equal an i5, the i5 has over 10fps lead average with a 290x.


If a 8350 can't do it a 6300 most certainly cannot, in a game that is best case scenario for the 6300/8350 - all cores used -.
There is something wrong with those tests you posted since i saw others that tell a lot different story.

I know op only asked about BF, but BF multiplayer is not the only game out there and i can tell you from first hand experience that 6300 is not much behind i5 in gaming.



Its not 290, but 7970(280x) is not far off.

Beta drivers used for mantle and dx bench were buggy as hell and you can see that 7970 gave more FPS with older drivers