Question Is my rx 580 fixable?

Jan 18, 2022

Just got this gpu and something is wrong with it

Works flawlessly in windows/chrome zero crashs or errors can whats movies or anything but when i open any game it lags very hard , i reduced the mem/core -150 and games run 100x better but still laggy

did furmark stress test and no issues but if i do a benchmark it crashs immediately but if i do it on the 720 benchmark my score was 3100

when i was playing league of legends core was at 1400 mem at 2100 but unplayable 20fps , reduce to 1250 and 1950 it goes to 200 fps BUT i try to play call of duty or any other game more intensive and its just not playable jumps from 5-100 fps and very laggy
(can show gpuz snap shot if you like)

is this fixable ? or is the memory or gpu chip fried? only asking is to see if its worth even sending this out to a repair shop and them charging me 90 doller to look at it.
thermal pads fine, put new thermal paste gpuz shows i dont have any temp issues. I forgot to mention i tried mining on it to see if it would even do that and it only gets 6 mhz when it should be 30 ish
used , seller told me he had no issues and even sent me a video of it working so i took his word ( gave me his address so i didnt think anything was wrong)

contacted him and he said i did it lol
These are links to the gpuz snapshots

also never changed bios or anything just quickly downloaded nicehash and tried to mine on them to see if i can recoup some costs but only got 6mhs

i found original bios so i might try to reflash and see if that changes anything just incase prev owner didnt change them , its just so weird i can do everything no issues just not game lol hasn't crashed or anything on me once i even tried it on my spare computer to be 100% sure it isn't my pc
but i think previous owner didnt install correct bios , i reinstalled biors from a similar card and seems to be alot better im going to keep trying to find the same bios for my card with the same date