Question is NordVPN screwing up my connection ?


Sep 17, 2009
i'm encountering a connection issue of late....
i have verizon gig service and have had it for a long long time.

i subscribe to NordVPN on a dedicated computer with just Firefox as default browser and NordVPN.
lenovo mini w/windows11.

i have four mini's and two Lenovo SFF computers (Windows 7 and Windows 10).
The only troublesome computer is the dedicated mini with NordVPN.

When i switch between computers, all I do is switch the cable using a 4port usb (it has one external ssd and a usb/ethernet adaptor).

My connection with the mini PC and NordVPN installed is spotty. Firefox and NordVPN both have a problems reaching sites. sometimes it's wonky - sometimes it's fine.

Everything else in the house has good internet eg other computers, wifi, the tv,'s just this one box! I've tried switching ports.

help!...thx all
Do you know if it is related to switching between the pc. Does the one running NordVPN have issues mostly after you switch or does it have issues even after it is working correctly.

You really should avoid USB ethernet to begin with. Maybe buy a small ethernet switch and leave the ethernet active all the time. I assume you doing this to switch keyboard and mouse ?

Your problem sounds like a generic DNS issue. Maybe there is some issue with the DNS that NordVPN is using. I am unsure how NordVPN overrides the dns. I would change the IPv4 setting in the ethernet port to use or You can disable IPv6 support at the same time but I don't think NordVPN uses IPV6 anyway.

You can also try the DNS setting in firefox. These were used before windows supported encrypted DNS. Again I would set or These should over ride even nord dns settings but only for the browser traffic.