Is pcpartpicker reliable?


You don't need that network adapter. Already included on the motherboard.
Get a different HDD. You have chosen a 2.5" hybrid drive, suitable for a laptop. A 3.5" desktop HDD at 1TB will be about 1/2 that price. And don't get a hybrid. Either SSD + HDD or HDD only.

Try again with the link.

Your link is broken, use the link under "System Build" in the small text box that is called "Permalink" not web page's address.

It should look something like this

Pcpartpicker is very reliable, only CPU coolers and ram clearance, and other minor compatibilities need to be confirmed

I agree with this, the hybrid drives seem unreliable to me, and unnecessarily complicating. Its better to have two separate drives. Everything looks good tho, it is all compatible.