Question Chasing extreme memory OC on AM5 boards - 2 vs 4 slots ?

Aug 17, 2024
I'm looking for something with minimal memory latency and maximal bandwidth on Zen5 .

Even though usual sweet spot is around 6000-6400MHz at 1:1, Im lookking for possibility at running it at 8000-8400 MHz at gearing 2:1.

This is at the top of the current MEMC reach in Zen5, but should be doable.

I am looking at economy segment of MoBos that could reach this and have also solid VRM for moderate CPU OC for work 24/7 and wonder how much does having only 2 RAM sockets and shorter lines improve signal quality (as found on mini-ITX and rare uATX boards) on high end ?

I know that having only 2 RAM slots is NOT the same as using only 2 out of 4 on ATX board, but I wonder how much difference does it make.

Anyone with experience and willing to share ?