Is PNY 660 Ti bad?

the pny version is a blower style fan which blows air out of the back of ur case but it runs hotter.

The gigabyte one runs cooler but puts hot air into ur case.

So if u have bad airflow go with pny(i dont suggest their company if u go with any blower style fan card i suggest a EVGA card), if u have good airflow go with Gigabyte
That PNY deal is a VERY good deal on the 660ti.
I think every 660ti cards should be based around this price (Instead of $300), because that is the right performance for how much they would cost. Go with the PNY card. It is a fair price.
Or should I wait until the 700 series comes out and the new Intel CPU's? Maybe the Ivy bridges will drop in price, and the 760ti will basically be like a 670 but for the price of a 660 ti from what I've read right? So should I just wait it out until june?