Is Samsung 950 Pro SSD compatible with the Dell 0KWVT8 motherboard?


Mar 22, 2016
Hi, guys.
Can you please tell if Samsung SSD 950 Pro 256Gb will be compatible with my motherboard–Dell 0KWVT8 ( It doesn't have M.2 port but I can probably use an adapter.
CPU–Core i7 4790.

doesn't help, I didnt mean YOU updating your bios

dell needs to make a custom bios to enable booting to a pcie slot adapted ssd on that specific...

in order to get full advantage of it you need a free pcie 3.0 x4 slot and an adapter

you will not be able to use it as a boot drive however

Oh, why? What do I need for using it as a boot drive?

bios update, since you have a dell motherboard it's as likely as a dragon pooping on your lawn


I updated it to A11version

doesn't help, I didnt mean YOU updating your bios

dell needs to make a custom bios to enable booting to a pcie slot adapted ssd on that specific motherboard, and like I said that is as likely as a dragon pooping in your lawn

Ok, thank you