Hey guys. So it looks like I am most likely getting the 1070 since it's the best price to performance ratio, even though I can afford a 1080, I would rather spend my money elsewhere where I feel I am getting more of my money's worth. I currently have a motherboard that is one x16 slot and everything else being x1 slot. My psu is evga supernova 750. While that may be enough for SLI, it won't be enough to overclock the sli configuration as well. I always looked down upon sli as I am a person who likes to get their money's worth, and the old sli bridge hardly saw any efficient scaling. Not to mention the fact that some games don't even support sli. So my question to you guys is, do you guys think it's worth it to upgrade my motherboard, psu, and buy the sli bridge/gpu for the 1070 as the scaling is much better, or is it better to stay single gpu? I game on a 1440p 144hz monitor. Remember that price doesn't bother me, as long as the price to performance ratio is good. If not, I would rather get the best single gpu, like the 1080ti (as the 1080 just doesn't seem like best value for dollar).