Question Is the 5600x a good pairing with the new 7800xt?


May 1, 2015
I am on the verge of ordering a new gaming pc and this time i am looking into the AMD platform. I was going to get the 6800 non xt, but then i started looking into the reviews of the new 7800xt card. My pc is for gaming and perhaps some steaming. I was going for the 5600 or 5600x cpu offering from amd but then i started to think maybe it would bottleneck a 7800xt? Going to the am5 platform is hugely expansive in Norway and is not an option at this time.

Any help on this issue is appreciated. Thanks
I would get the 7800xt because it will outperform the 6800 by about 20% but if you were to already have a 6800 or 6800xt it would not be worth it. I know AM5 is not an option at this time but if you can I would go for a 7600x.
I would get the 7800xt because it will outperform the 6800 by about 20% but if you were to already have a 6800 or 6800xt it would not be worth it. I know AM5 is not an option at this time but if you can I would go for a 7600x.
Thank you. The Question was more related to the issue of bottlenecking. Would the 5600 be powerfull enough to run the 7800xt at 1440p?