How many FPS can the Alienware Area 51 Threadripper get on low settings for Apex Legends? Please respond ASAP
You have a good point. A new Ryzen would have better per-core performance. I was mostly going by the GPU.The Threadripper rig being hyped and pimped by Alienware /Dell as a gaming system a couple years back upon Threadripper's release was a rather sad affair...
It's not cost effective, and, it's outperformed by mainstream offerings costing hundreds less... (who wants to pay $500-$1000 extra for a 16 core TR4-based gaming system, and have it outperformed by an R5-1600 or R7-1700 in gaming?
Certainly, they are capable of casual gaming, and do 'ok', but, I'd not be selecting on thinking it will be optimal for 144 Hz refresh gaming....
You might be able to find some performance examples of your chosen game with assorted TR4 offerings on Youtube...
(Certainly, the 1050Ti will be maxed out by even an R5-1600/1600X, so, unless you need the threads for content creation....I'd wait for some R7-3700-3800X action in 8-10 days...and get at least a 1660Ti!)