Is the AMD A10-7850k any good for 2017?


Dec 30, 2016
I am thinking of buying these parts for my build in early 2017 :
CPU : AMD A10-7850k 3.7GHz Quad-core processor = £90
Motherboard : Asus A68HM-plus micro ATX FM2+ motherboard = £47
RAM: Patriot viper 3 8gb (2x4GB) DDR3-2133 memory = £46
Storage : Seagate barracuda 1tb 3.5" 7200 rpm internal hard drive = £46
Case : Zalman z3 plus atx mid tower case = £36
Power supply : EVGA 500w 80+ bronze certified atx power supply = £ 51
Total = £316

The PC will be used for homework/coursework, photoshop editing, browsing the internet and casual gaming such as gmod, gta 5 and dayz.
I dont want to spend more than £320 on the build because i still have to buy the desk, keyboard, mouse, monitor and operating system.
Will this build be able to handle these tasks as it is relying on the graphics from the apu, are these the best parts i can buy within my budget and how long will the current parts i have listed work until or become dated.
By the way i dont mind playing the games on medium/low settings to reach 30+ fps.

Yes on both accounts mate.
On the latest platform straight away so you can essentially go i5/i7 even on that cheap board.
The i3 6100 is a blistering fast chip seriously,only done one build with it but honestly with no discrete gpu the whole system only pulled 70w from the plug socket which to me is just insane.
With a 1050ti installed youd be around a 140w full system power which is less than the latest gen consoles & at 720p you'd be abe to max any game out there.
Hell with even a £90 rx 460 youd be close to max settings on stuff...
It will work fine. The integrated graphics can run gta v on low settings hopefully. Just get some cooling, it can get hot! 😛 Anyway? Why not an intel build? It can provide scopes for future upgrades...
The integrated video in the i3 6100 is very close to the 7850K's, and CPU performance is much higher. Plus, there are no upgrades for FM2+ while 1151 has several more generations of unreleased CPUs. I see little point in going with the A10.

For my low budget the only solution I could find would be getting an amd as they are generally cheaper than intel chips and especially an apu cause of the low cost. I could always Get a dedicated GPU later when I have more money
Madmatt30 no its all from different suppliers, would it be more helpful if I listed all of them. Thank u for the suggestion on the power supply aswell

no mate ,most of those parts are the same price on amazon is all.
Definitely the cx450m for the psu though mate,its a top quality little unit.
I do agree with ecky the i3 6100 is substantiually stronger cpu wise,the issue is the graphics are weaker.
You could still game on it though dropping resolution & settings.


Its worth serious considersation becasue on the cpu side the i3 is boundless amounts stronger.

all from amazon,just a tiny bit over that 320 quid budget
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor (£106.95 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: MSI H110M PRO-VD PLUS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£47.94 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: PNY Anarchy 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£39.55 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Toshiba 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£44.10 @ Amazon UK)
Case: Thermaltake Versa H15 MicroATX Mid Tower Case (£34.99 @ Amazon UK)
Other: Corsair CP-9020101-UK CX Series CX450M ATX/EPS Semi-Modular 80 Plus Bronze 450 W Power Supply Unit (£48.68 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £322.21
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-12-31 08:51 GMT+0000
Madmatt30 I would most likely be playing on a 720p monitor. Would the i3 have a path for upgrade in the future though compared to the amd a10 processor. Is it generally a much better CPU then ?

Yes on both accounts mate.
On the latest platform straight away so you can essentially go i5/i7 even on that cheap board.
The i3 6100 is a blistering fast chip seriously,only done one build with it but honestly with no discrete gpu the whole system only pulled 70w from the plug socket which to me is just insane.
With a 1050ti installed youd be around a 140w full system power which is less than the latest gen consoles & at 720p you'd be abe to max any game out there.
Hell with even a £90 rx 460 youd be close to max settings on stuff!!

If you can live with the integrated graphics for the time being then yes its the most sensible buy easily .
Madmatt30 thank you very much for the information, more of a console man myself but am wanting to get into computing and needed someone with some knowledge.
I'll most likely be getting a dedicated gpu as my first upgrade on the build as soon as I have the money most likely by the end of next year but want a system now that can operate at a good standard if u know what I mean.
You can still game with an haswell i3 (last gen) & a midrange GPU & the skylake chip is much stronger.
Certainly don't see a problem for the next 2-3 years minimum.

Intel CPU's have increased performance wise incrementally from one gen to the next (10% or so per identical clock speed)
You can still game well on a sandy/ivybridge i5 from 2011/2012.
Ever becomes wanting an i5 or i7 will drop on that board fine.
Going with a build that takes ddr4 means the ram can be carried over to new platforms if they become available (amd's new upcoming chipset are ddr4 only too)

I like the amd apu's for what they are & the 7850k is a decent priced chip ,a year ago would still have been a good choice , not so much now though.
Thank you very much will be going with the build u suggested just with the zalman z3 plus case as that is the one I was set on. Much appreciated mad matt30
Final build. Thoughts for a starting PC?

[PCPartPicker part list]( / [Price breakdown by merchant](

**CPU** | [Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor]( | £106.99 @ Aria PC
**Motherboard** | [MSI H110M PRO-VD PLUS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard]( | £47.89 @ More Computers
**Memory** | [PNY Anarchy 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory]( | £39.55 @ Amazon UK
**Storage** | [Toshiba 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive]( | £35.94 @ Aria PC
**Case** | [Zalman Z3 Plus White ATX Mid Tower Case]( | £39.95 @ Amazon UK
**Optical Drive** | [Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer]( | £17.94 @ YoYoTech
**Operating System** | [Microsoft Windows 10 Home Full 32/64-bit]( | £83.90 @ More Computers
**Wireless Network Adapter** | [TP-Link TL-WN781ND PCI-Express x1 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Adapter]( | £9.32 @ Amazon UK
**Other**| Corsair CP-9020101-UK CX Series CX450M ATX/EPS Semi-Modular 80 Plus Bronze 450 W Power Supply Unit| £48.68
| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| **Total** | **£430.16**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker]( 2017-01-01 16:31 GMT+0000 |
Belatedly, u dont need a stronger cpu than the 4 core amd apu, but u definitely need a better cpu than the utterly crap intel igp.

why not a 2nd hand 7850k system? why buy old tech new?

adding a crap~ $50 radeon r7 250 gpu punches way above its weight, by working in hybrid crossfire tandem w/ the amd igp gpu onthe 7850k apu.

do find money for an ssd boot drive. it has more effect than ~any other factor.

another strategy is an older amd apu like the 7850, in a backwardly compatible am4 latest amd platform, and swap it to the awesome sounding raven ridge apu in time.