Is the Core i7-2600K/Z68/8GB/1TB/THOR V2 SuperCombo For Gaming?

It's not a bad set of parts, but it's not what I would have picked out on my own. That's always my problem with combos. For example, it's dropping $200 on a Z68 mobo; you don't need that. You also don't need to spend $140 on a case. And for gaming, you don't need a 2600k (though it's fine if you want one). You can get a 2500k for about $90-100 less, or a 3570k for at least $60 less. And don't forget that this package doesn't include a video card, which (to go with a 2600k or whatever) should probably be at least in the 560 Ti/6950/7850 range, or at least $200. It also doesn't include an SSD. Anyway, it's okay, especially if you're more interested in specifically high-end parts like that case and a 2600k. But I'm more interested in value, so I would recommend picking out your own parts probably.