Is the extra price of GTX 980 worth it?


Mar 4, 2013
Going for a single 1920x1080 75hz monitor and people are saying a 980 is overkill and not worth it, I do agree that with normal settings it would be, but with DSR I was thinking that if my FPS goes way above 75 then I could just use a higher resolution.

There's also this article that talks about the why there's a performance difference.

So what do you guys recommend (980 or 970), please provide answers.
its only worth it if you got tons of money, its same as buying a Ferrari, the question is do you really need it and if you can afford it?
I believe its about 20% faster, now you tell me if its worth it or not.
may I ask you what is the cpu you are using? and if you are planning only to game on it? modeling?
my friend why would you want to destroy 980? asingle 970 can be overclocked and perform as 980 on stock speed, with a single 970 you can run everything on ultra settings with 4k res, I don't know who plays games with a TV sized monitor, but whatever you feel good for you guys.

If this question was directed at me, Here is a link to my build -

I really will only be gaming on this and Yes I know an i7 is overkill for gaming. I went with the i7 for future proofing reasons.
no actually you have a good build there... I would only suggest to get 4 sticks of 4GB 4x4 instead of 2x8. (for a dual channel)
enjoy your new baby:)

You don't really need DSR. It's nice, but not nearly as nice as actually upgrading your monitor to 1440p or 4K.

I say go for the 970. It's much better with the price/performance ratio and the FPS between the 970 and 980 is only about 10 - 12 FPS on average. You can always OC it or pick up another for SLI at some point if you need to.


^ What he said.
sorry I meant for a quad channel which your MB probably supports, you also improve timings so I would still suggest going with 4x4, with that said either way you want see any boost performance in games, but if you ask what is the better option is quad channel (4x4)

The 4790K only supports dual channel, so 4x4 GB wouldn't make a difference.


Negative. Dual Channel support.
I've been waiting a week for my 970 from Amazon, hopefilly you have better luck. I will probably cancel my order and wait until next year for some more testing since I can't decide between 4790k and 5930k. If I go 5930 then I'll get a 980 and be set up for a few years. But for now I will have to suffer with my i3 until the dust settles on this new X99 gear.

If you're just planning on getting one GPU, the 4790K is more than enough. Also, the 5930K would only be worth it if you were planning on going for tri-SLI or quad, otherwise it would be better to go 5820K with the X99 route.