Is the I7-4770 Good enough for gaming at 2017?


Jun 15, 2017
I've been recently looking into buying a PC and saw a PC with an I7-4770 for fairly cheap. I've been thinking of adding a GTX 1070 to it but not sure if it will bottleneck it...

Would appreciate any opinions.
What resolution are you playing at? At 1440p+ I bet the 4770 will last the usable life of that 1070 without bottlenecking, maybe 2 years. Next time you feel the need to upgrade the GPU I would probably look into a cpu upgrade as well.
If you have a 1080p 144hz monitor, you may see some cpu bottlnecking in cpu intensive titles. However I doubt it would severely bottleneck a 1070 in anything. At 1440p+ I doubt it will bottleneck at all. Here is watch dogs 2 a very cpu heavy game at 1080p with a gtx 1080, I would say this is worst case scenario for cpu bottlenecking and they are using a more powerful gpu which will show more of a cpu bottleneck. The 4770 would be in between the 2600k and the 4790k.


Thanks for the info, I think i'm gonna go for the 4770 as i am buying the whole PC for fairly cheap (Around 750$) only thing i'm worried about is having to get a new CPU and motherboard in 1/2 years... And i don't know much about OC or specifically on overclocking a none K version CPU So i don't know if i would be able to Overclock it in a year or 2 to keep it's performance at high
What resolution are you playing at? At 1440p+ I bet the 4770 will last the usable life of that 1070 without bottlenecking, maybe 2 years. Next time you feel the need to upgrade the GPU I would probably look into a cpu upgrade as well.

I have a i7 4770 and and msi gtx 1070 GPU with 24 DDR3 Ram and i can play all games, even the Withcher 3 easy.
Some games like different assassin's creed, dying light, watch dogs and far cry 3 use a lot of cpu but it works.
GTA V plays really well, Titan fall 2 plays also very easy.
