It is indeed good, but if you get a beefy GPU like a R9 380 or GTX 970 and up then the i3 will become a bottleneck to your GPU. But if your GPU is low-mid range, you should be fine.
It is indeed good, but if you get a beefy GPU like a R9 380 or GTX 970 and up then the i3 will become a bottleneck to your GPU. But if your GPU is low-mid range, you should be fine.
Good place to start. You can always upgrade if you feel the need. Tom's Hdwr. ranks the i3 line in the 2nd tier for gaming:,3106-5.html
The i3s I've put together have all been decent gamers with their ability to hyper thread. Of course, it will need a suitable gfx card to go along with it.